Strike Two

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Song: Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway

The walk back to their village was tense and silent. But then again, it's kind of hard to start a conversation or act civilized with people who had chained you, beat you, and was only seconds from killing you. But you know, that's only my opinion I guess.

The sound of the animals in the forest and the clanking of our chains were the only sounds that filled the silence. Normally, I hated tense silences, but this time I could hardly care. I was just glad to be alive. As we walked, purple leaves fluttered down onto the brown and pink ground. My eyes slid to the soil then to the group of women surrounding me. One women had slung Mist over her shoulders like a sack of potatoes while another had Teelah and realizing that that was the best we were going to get from them, I kept my mouth shut while we walked through the woods. I would bitch about their treatment to my friends when I wasn't limping to safety.

They had to help Kaiya walk to Kaiya's chagrin. Since Mist had used the last of her strength to heal me, the blows I received didn't bother me that much. Besides the occasional ache in my back, I was fine. However, Kaiya had not received any of Mist's healing so the blows she received along with her already depleted strength just helped to make her even more weak. A permanent scowl had been planted on Kaiya's face since the dreadful realization that the warriors would have to assist her.

As we walked I could feel the crossbows pointed at my back even though my killing had been called off. They were still probably itching to kill me or at least do a little damage. But ha, mama was untouchable....for now.

The thought kept me placid, but the feeling of their weapons still poised made me antsy and annoyed. Even though I could easily fling these bitches in every direction, I decided against it.

For one, I'm pretty sure I would be hit with an arrow in the crossfire.

And two, I was drained mentally and almost physically. My arms felt like lead and were sore. With each step waves of dulled pain traveled up my arms in repeated waves. Every limb in my body ached despite Mist's healing, and I just wanted to collapse. I didn't though because I could feel that bitch Jerica's eyes on me and I wouldn't give her the satisfaction at seeing me in pain.

Ha, I would rather give up the secret krabby's formula than do that. Sorry, Spongebob. It's a dog eat dog universe out here.

What seemed like hours later, we finally emerged out of the forest. Buildings that were a mixture between villa because of their size and exquisite structure and hut because of their roofs and opened windows were scattered along the wide expanse of land. Large trees that skyrocketed to the sky outlined the vivacious expansion of land filled with the dim coloring of the villa-huts. The trees hung slightly forward, wide branches spread out, almost like the trees were trying to hide the village.

Women dressed just like the women who attacked us milled around some casually relaxing while others moved around more feverishly as if they were on a mission. Creatures, with luminescent wings and those wide expressive, like Ivy were sparingly seen but no where of the amount as the warrior-like women. Matter of fact, I only spotted about two as we walked through the village.

"Come on follow me." Ivy instructed. Her wings were only a blur as she moved and her entire body hovered above the ground. We walked  along the buildings, little girls ran in between our group only to be playfully snapped at by some of the women. If these women hadn't taken me to hell and back, I wouldn't have been so shocked by their surprisingly motherly like antics.

Women stopped and stared at us as we passed only to turn back to what they were doing when one of the woman of our group would glare at them. I stared forward hoping whatever came now wouldn't be nearly as bad as what happened to us so far, but knowing my luck....I wasn't really betting on it.

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