Chapter 9

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My mind explores the possibilities as to how she's here. Did she mean to hurt me by leaving? Or am I hallucinating. Am I dying? Is that what this is?

"Tris," I say, ignoring her plea for me to let her explain. "How could you leave me here alone? Was your sacrifice supposed to one of your senseless suicide attempts? It didn't seem like it then, but now everything is becoming much more clear. Tell me. Tell me why in gods name you left me to suffer while you did god knows what for the past two years... Did you know that I have been absolutely miserable these past years? I know the exact date that my life became terrible; February 23. And it has been two years, six months, and 8 days since you supposedly died," I say, tears streaming down my face like a waterfall.

"Tobias," she says, crying. Her voice brings me down from my rage."I didn't know I was even alive until five days ago.... The Bureau; they faked my death. Experimented with me for two and a half years while I was in a comatose state. So yes, I guess being in a coma is the equivalent of being dead and obviously if you loved me so much you wouldn't be berating me or mistrusting my love for you. I would never, ever purposely leave you to think I was dead. I love you, and maybe you don't love me anymore, but I still care about you and I didn't want to be gone for two and a half years-"

"I have never and will never stop loving you," I reply, interjecting over her speech.

She pauses for a second, and hesitantly reaches for my hand. I grasp it and never plan to let go. "We started off wrong," I say guiltily. "I'm sorry. I was just so...angry. I thought you were dead and then you show up on my doorstep. At first I was just happy to see you and then the reality that you were alive sank in...and...well, I thought maybe you were just...trying to torture me by faking a death,"

"You should know me better than to think I would do that," she responds.

I squeeze her hand and sadly sigh. "I did...." I say, "But time tends to warp memories, and people."

She looks up at me with empathy and suddenly every angry bone in my body disappears. I look in her eyes, her grey-blue eyes, and melt. I feel the urge to wrap her up in my arms and never let go. I won't let anyone harm her or take her from me again. I immediately rush into an apology that she deserves. "I'm sorry, Tris. I'm really, really sorry. I love you so much," I say placing a kiss on her cheek. She reddens, and slightly pulls away in shock. "I missed you so much," I say, hesitantly placing my lips on hers.

"I love you, Tobias. And I missed you for the time I was conscious...more than anything."

I smile and get lost in her eyes. I feel our heads being pulled by some supernatural force. Then, she slowly winds her arms behind my neck and our foreheads touch.

"I love you, Tris. I love you more than life itself. I love you so much." I say.

Our breaths mix and she places her lips against mine, whispering, "I love you too Tobias."

I smile against her lips when I realize that I'm touching the love of my life. The love of my life who has been gone for two years. The love of my life whom I thought had been vanquished from my life for good. The girl I mourned. The girl I still love. The girl I will never stop loving until the day I die- maybe not even then.

Ahhhh! Fourtris feels!

Next chapter will be full of fourtris 😏 ;)

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