Chapter 4

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Tris POV

"What time is it?" I ask.

"4:56" A computer voice responds.

"Who are you?" I demand. I've never heard this voice before.

"I am iriS, the only computer animated system capable of answering any factual question," the voice responds proudly.

"How long until I'm released?"

"1 day; 1 hour; 4 minutes."

"What form of transportation do they plan to take me on?"

"Cars. You will be dropped off in the outskirts of Abnegation."

"...Will Tobias still love me?" I ask in a small voice.

"I'm afraid I can't answer that."

I go quiet, waiting in my bed for them to deliver dinner through the door in a few minutes. I slump on my hard bed and lay down, thoughts of Tobias tracing through my mind. I can't imagine how hard it will be for him to even comprehend that I'm gone. Then I get courage and ask, "What did my friends do recently?"

"Last record activity was two days ago; They were spotted on top of the Hancock building. Zip lining. Spreading your ashes."

With that I break down in tears, and I say to myself, "They haven't fully let go yet..." I feel a pang in my chest; I need to escape. I need to see them. I need to see him.

I start banging on the door, "Let me out!" I scream. "Let me out! I need to see them!"

Then, the man's voice is back, "Tris! Tris! TRIS!"

That got my attention through my rage and I subdue my anger for the time being.

"We'll let you out. But we need to check your vitals before you leave," the man relents. "If you are stable, you are free to go. We'll drop you off at the outskirts of Abnegation. Where you go from there is entirely up to you."

The door opens and guards escort me to a new room to be tested on whether I can be released.

I don't care how healthy I am. All I care is that I'm alive and so is Tobias. I will see him.

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