Chapter 2

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The attachment is an edit by me :)

Tris POV

My eyes open with a shock and the first thing I'm greeted with is a bright, white light. My hands scramble around, searching for something I can't place. Or maybe as opposed to searching- identifying where exactly I am. I look around the starch white room. I'm on a white bed, in white hospital clothes, in a white room with a black window, and a bright white light.

I look down and see something that shocks me... My hair, once at my shoulders, has now returned to its original Abnegation length. "What?" I murmur to myself rhetorically.

"Beatrice Prior," a voice says, emitting from loud speakers. I didn't even notice them when I scanned the room. They rest in the upper right hand corner of the room.

"Who are you? Where am I? What do you want?" I splutter out.

"We know you have many questions. They all will be answered. Let us explain, though."

I straighten in my seat attentive, ready to figure out what in the world has happened and where I can find Tobias- if at all.

"After you were shot, you were immediately brought somewhere air proof by our specially trained nurses and doctors. We had cameras in the room you infiltrated, you see. We had discovered that you, a little girl," my body tenses at the words," we're able to withstand the death serum without inoculation. You were indeed shot, but we thought that was a small detail. We rushed you immediately to our advanced underground facility. It's bomb proof and air proof. All air that enters is pure oxygen and carbon, therefore creating an elaborate escape from foreign nation's possible attacks. In your circumstance it protected against the revolt," the voice explains. I try to digest ever word, every sentence, but it's to much for me.

"Immediately after we stabilized you, we created, using our laser technology, a carbon copy of our body. It looked and felt exactly like you; very convincing. We healed your gun wounds, but you were sent into a coma. We had no idea he cause of it. But it was beyond something we had ever seen. For the period of your stay, we assigned this room to you. Currently we are still underground, however we created a specialized room, that convinced your skin that you were getting a proper amount of sunlight. Note the fact you are not deadly pale. You-"

"How long have I been here?" I demand.

"We spent the time being studying your condition, learning more about your special divergence, and developing technology to restore you from your coma."

"How long have I been here?" I demand once again.

"Two and a half years," the voice says apprehensively.

My body goes limp and I lose all of the determination I once had. Two years.

I'm pretty sure all of my friends have completely moved on. Including Tobias.

He probably has a new girlfriend, I think glumly. But I still need to see him. But will he still want me? Has time changed his perspective on me? I need answers. I need to see him.

My mind suddenly draws a blank and I just sit here. Sit. Doing nothing.

I can't

"Tris!" The voice yells, catching my attention.

I look up at the window with teary eyes.

"You can see them. Your friends. Soon. But you're still unstable. A week. We'll let you go in a week."

"No," I say, boldly. "2 days maximum."

"Your heart rate is still uneven. I'll make it 4."

"Fine," I sigh, relenting. I'm exhausted, though I feel just as alive as ever.

All that is on my mind is Tobias, though I continue questioning about different things.

"Where is David?"

"Memory is lost."

"Am I in trouble?"

"You repaid any and all crimes by giving us useful information over the past years."

"What information?"

"We now know how your divergence works."

"How so?"

"When we changed he DNA, it surely caused flaws, but what we didn't know is that once all flaws were destroyed, there was something beyond repair. We changed your DNA in the hopes to restore human traits. It actually did, but it took many years for your DNA to correct. You are the first of you kind. You are Assurgent. We called the operation that hoping we would 'rise' you from your coma. The word was fitting. Then we named your condition the same. You are the first of them to 'rise' hence the name."

I close my eyes and say, "Thank you,"

The voice never returns, but I am given food through a hole in the door.

As I eat the crisp food, my mind wanders back to Tobias. I think of his last words, "I love you, too. I'll see you soon." I'm not sure I got them quite correct, but the scene still feels so fresh in my mind. Almost as if it was just a few minutes ago... But it wasn't. And he might not even feel that way about me anymore.

Assurgent: A Divergent ContinuationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora