Chapter 16

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Christina POV

I awake to the sound of my phone buzzing. I've had one since last year but I don't really enjoy using it. Before I accept the call, I check the time. 1:00 PM... I overslept.

The name that lights up on the screen it William Borne, Tobias's boss.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello, is this Christina?"

"Yes, it is."

"You are listed under Four's contact information. He didn't arrive at work today and didn't inform me that he wasn't coming."


"Yes, could you try and find out if something is wrong. I already knocked on his door; he wasn't home and I need to get a hold of him, my campaign fundraiser is in a critical condition right now. This is of utmost importance."

"Of course. I've never known him to be late to anything. I'll see what's wrong. Thanks for letting me know. Bye," I say, hanging up.

I exit my room and run down the stairs one level. I reach level 69 of the Hancock Building, where Zeke and Shauna's rooms are. I have a feeling that Zeke selected this floor purposefully.

I arrive at their room and knock frantically. "Yes?" Shauna says.

"It's me, Christina. Could you open up this is important. The door is opened and there sits Shauna, in her wheelchair.

"Hi Shauna, do you know where Zeke is?"

Just then, Zeke walks in from his bedroom. "Hey, Chris! What's going on?"

"Four," I say. "No one can get a hold of him and he hasn't been particularly stable these days. Something might have happened."

Zeke's eyes widen. I can tell that behind the betrayal that he feels about Four not protecting Uriah, he still cares about him. I know it.

Zeke grabs his keys along with Four's spare ones that he was given. "Come on. Let's go," he says to me. "Shauna, you can stay. You need to get into work. I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Okay, Zeke. I love you, good luck."

We run outside after taking elevator down to the first floor. Then, we sprint to his car. After driving in silence for a few minutes, Zeke runs his hand over his head.

"I never told him that I forgave him. Never," he pauses. "And if he's gone, and he never knew that I have forgiven him, I don't know what I'll do. It'll be my fault."

I put my hand on his arm and say, "He's fine, don't worry."

He swallows and shakes his head like he's willing himself to believe it.

We arrive at Four's apartment complex and Zeke runs to Four's apartment. He fumbles with the keys and finally gets one to stick in the hole. He turns it and when we search the apartment...nothing.

I smell something I haven't in a long time. It's hard to place, but it smells almost like a faint soapy scent with a touch of a natural smell. It smells almost like Tris...

I close my eyes as a tear traces down my cheek. She's gone, she's gone.

"Okay, well where could he be?" Zeke asks.

"Someone with importance," I say. I know that he wouldn't go just anywhere.

"And where would that be?"

"Ummm, ferris wheel, navy pier, dauntless compound, amity, I don't know."

"So we'll check Navy Pier first and then go to Dauntless?" Zeke suggests.

I nod. "Let's go."


After thoroughly checking the entire park, we come to the conclusion that he isn't here. Close to an hour has passed since I first gained awareness of his absence.

We arrive at dauntless and first visit the training room. It's completely empty except for the echo of a girl hitting a punching bag. Then I go to the initiates dormitories. No one.

"Cafeteria?" Zeke says.

I nod. I burst through the doors, Zeke behind me and I see his head turn first, the tattoo on his neck prominently standing out against his skin. Then I see his face and he looks...happy. Then my eyes latch on to the person beside him. I see their latched hands first and my eyes travel up the length of the arm. I see her blond hair and her slender nose. Her pale eyes and her sad smile she throws. I stand there numb to everything, even Zeke stills beside me. My mouth stand open. I want to say something. I have to say something. She slowly gets up from her seat and walks over, stilling when she meets me. I stumble over words, so nothing comes out.

Tears fill my eyes and the first word that escapes me is, "Tris."

She nods, her eyes teary. She bites her lip and sadly smiles.

"Is it you?" I ask in a small voice.

She nods and slowly hugs my. My arms find their way around her, numb at first. But then I realize that this is really her and this is really happening. My arms hold her small frame tight to the point I might be choking her.

"Oh my god," I say. I pull back and my hands are on her arms. "I thought you were dead!" I cry. "I thought you were gone."

My hands touch her hair and I smell her scent when we embrace again. It's her. She's alive and it's her. I shake and I say, "I missed you," into her shoulder.

"I missed you too," she responds. I laugh slightly and step back to take a look at her. She still has her long hair and everything. She hasn't changed despite everything that has happened, and I love it. I missed my best friend, Beatrice Prior. The divergent, the stiff. The insurgent, selfless, brave girl that I was blessed with knowing for a few months has returned.

So if y'all want to read a nice fanfic, check out @starsweets9 for a cool story :)

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