Chapter 1

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Tobias POV

It's been over two years. Two years and a half years since the death of Beatrice Prior. And still not a day goes by that I don't yearn for her touch, her presence. Two and a half years and still I feel a stab of pain at the very thought of her. A part of me desperately calls out to join her. Join her in the unknown, but Christina's words float into my mind whenever my mind drifts in that direction. "You can't become a person she would hate."

Two and a half years ago, I would have thought that at this very moment, I would be snuggled up with Tris, having just came back from a paintball game. Loving, caring, together. Instead, on this night, I'm alone, alone, alone coming back from just spreading her ashes. Apparently life is more fragile and destructive than promised. But then, who ever said life was meant to be fair?

I lay, face up in my bed, arms stretched outwards, pondering what I could have done. I could have stayed. She could have come with me. So many things I could have done to prevent this horrible outcome. As time passes, I begin to lose memories that were once crisp. So crisp I could have felt like I was there. But now, the memories become more foggy, distorted. I have nothing to remind me of her. Her face, her touch, her presence. Nothing. Not even a picture.

I feel the gentle pressure of her lips on mine. The spray of water tickling my feet. The feel of her hair in my hand. But this isn't real.

It isn't real, I tell myself.

I hear a knock on my door, most likely my mother. I'm not in the mood for another talk about 'moving on'. Because that's exactly what I don't want to do. I don't want to forget. I want to relive the scarce time I got with her. Over and over. Over and over.

"Go away," I call. The figure doesn't move however. It stands for a moment, then enters.

"Tobias. Don't push me away," Evelyn says when she enters. "She was only temporary. I, however, am permanent. And she knew that, in the end. And you might as well accept that as well."

Anger bubbles up inside me like hot lava. Then it explodes and I yell at her, "No. It's the opposite. Tris Prior will forever be with me. In what form I can't say, but she was far more loyal and loving than you could ever hope to be." I lower my voice and ask with contempt, "Is that what you told her?"

She doesn't respond.

"I actually understand her hatred and distrust for you," I say in a quiet, dangerous voice. "Get out and don't come back ever again."

She searches me to see if I really mean it, then when she comes up unsuccessful, she pivots and walks out. "I suppose you will accept it when the end it near, too," she says, her back still to me.

I close my eyes and try to sleep, but it evades me. Every night when I got to bed, I feel cold with the absence of her body. I'm never going to be capable of moving on.

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