Chapter 8

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(FOURTRIS RETURNSSSS!!!! well, sort of... You'll see)

*If you are reading this right now, this is the edited version! I changed it because it didn't paste from my notes properly. I'm going to change part of it. Please re-read because I screwed up. Sorry :( *

Tobias POV

After my job today, I travel to the training room of Dauntless. I take a punching bag and beat it with my fists until my knuckles split. My knuckles pound with each hit, releasing all of my internal pain and anger and transferring it to my fists. I picture the bag as David, just like last time. I'm gasping for breath after a while and I return home and flop on my bed. The darkness greets me as I slowly fall into unconsciousness.
"Hey Tobias," Tris says to me, smiling.

"Hi Tris." I respond, giving her a quick kiss.

She smiles and goes on her tippy toes and plants a kiss on my nose (A/N- Re-read last chapter if you don't get it!). I smile and kiss her on the lips again. At first, with just gentle pressure, but then she kisses me harder and I kiss back with just the same passion. I press her against the wall and kiss her neck. She sighs and squeezes my side. But then, I hear a gun shot. Her body slumps against mine and falls to the floor. Blood seeps from her body, and there stands David with a gun, smiling.
I wake from my dream, panting. I slip out of my bed silently and go grab a water. When I'm walking past the small living room, I see a figure on my bed... What?

I walk over to the couch with apprehension. The figure slides off the couch and turns to see me. "Tobias?" a raspy voice asks; one that sounds eerily like Tris's.

"Who are you?" I ask with apprehension. The figure walks towards me and I flick on the light switch to identify the intruder.

When the lights flicker on, I don't believe my eyes. But there she is, standing before me. Tris.

She looks exactly how I remember her when I had just met her. Long hair, beautiful blue eyes, innocent face.

"Tris?" I whisper in disbelief.

She smiles, biting her lips. Her eyes are now wet with tears are she walks towards my almost limp form. Her arms wrap around my body and at first I don't believe it. Is this a dream? But then I feel her presence and no dream can replicate that. It must be her. But how? I spread her ashes just days ago.

"How are you al-" I ask, to be interrupted by a shush.

She squeezes my stiff body tighter and I melt into the embrace and hold her tight, panting hard. I'm in such shock that not one part of my body obeys commands to move.

"Oh my gosh, Tris," I whisper, a single tear tracing its way down my cheek. "How are you here?" I ask desperately, not fully believing that she's standing before me. But what I mean to say, How are you alive, but that sounds too cold.

"Is this a dream? Are you really here?" I say, desperation tracing my voice.

I hold her tight, trying to will myself to believe it's her... But somewhere in my soul I don't believe it. I believe that I must be dreaming. I must be hallucinating. But my senses beg to differ. Only one person can make my heart flutter like that... But how is she here...

She looks up at me with a guilty face, but I can't help it. I lean in and kiss her with all of the love and passion that I missed so much in the past years. "Tris," I whisper against her lips. "Are you really here?"

She nods while smiling and kisses me back. When our lips part, our foreheads still touch. My arms still are wrapped around her small, beautiful frame. I kiss her one last time. But that one kiss lead into another, which led into a series of more kisses. "Tris," I whisper against her lips.

"Yeah," she replies in a small voice.

"Why are you here? How? I don't understand... Is this even real?" I ask once again, still trying to believe this phenomenon.

She smiles at me with tear-stained eyes and says, "Yes. It's me. This is real. And I really love you.... And I'm really here."

I smile briefly and shake my head back and forth in disbelief. "I can't believe this..... You..... How... How are you here?"

My eyes are wet with tears when she leads me to the couch, her hand tightly clutching mine and bringing me with her. As we sit down, I'm oblivious to the fact that its past midnight and I have work tomorrow. This is far more important.

"I know I have a lot to explain," she says to me.

I'm overflowed with emotions consisting of love for her, grief, happiness that I'm sitting with her, relief that she's with me, anger that she never told me, sadness that I mourned her while she wasn't dead, but mostly shock.

"Yeah," I reply. "You do... " I reply. Then, anger bubbles up as I come to the realization that she left me for two and a half years thinking she was dead. It bubbles up...and I can't control it. I don't mean to be mean by what I say next, I'm just fuming my anger. "Starting with," I continue, my voice raising as the anger and sadness subdues the happiness and relief, "how you're alive and why you left me thinking you were dead. I thought you were dead, Tris! Everyone thought you were dead! Why the hell did you come back now of all times? After two and a half years of me mourning you, you come back prancing in my life. Did you do that on purpose? Was this some revenge factor that I wasn't aware of? Because, let me tell you, these last few years were the worst of my life, and that is including my childhood." More tears crawl down my cheek and off my chin.

"Tobias..." she whispers, a tear falling out of her eyes too. "I'm so sorry. I came as soon as I possibly could. Just please let me explain,"
How was it?

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