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(Chapter 6 continuation)


I drove as fast as I can until I reached the beach. I ran out of the car and immediately head towards those huge rocks. I remember seeing pictures of my sister doing a photoshoot behind those rocks with the sea as her background.


I shouted her name hoping she'll hear me.

I ran again this time closer to the sea as I try to spot her at least.

I shouted her name again but still, I got no reply making me almost collapse on my knees but I held myself together and walk closer to the sea as I take my shoes and jacket off.

Then as if the heavens heard me, I saw a glimpse of her jacket on the surface not faraway making me swim as fast as I can towards the maybe only hope I could see. I pull the jacket but to my dismay, it looks like this jacket has been removed.

I ran back to the surface and grab my jacket as I get the goggles from the pocket. The moment my uncle mentioned the beach, I don't know but the goggles are what come to mind when I was driving to the sea so I grab some from the backseat, I don't know why I place some goggles there.

I dove to the waters as I try my best to see the inside. I try not to cry as the thought of me being too late crossed my memory.

"Please help me be on time to save my sister. Please don't take her away from us. I'm begging you"

I started to pray in my mind as I swam faster, eventually going to the surface to breathe.

I start to dive deeper and swim faster as I mentally beat myself for skipping swimming lessons, that could've made me swim faster.

Moments later, relief and fear struck me as I saw the glimmer of my sister's bracelet making me grab on it which is thankfully her wrist, I don't know if I still be sane if it is just her bracelet.
I drag her with me as I swam towards the surface then to the shore as fast as I can as I am starting to feel dizzy.

I never knew swimming in the deep sea makes me wanna throw up.

"Please . . .. please . . . .  "

I am crying as I slowly place her on the sand just in time when sirens was heard and eventually, Lea.


I tried to aid my sister but my vision got so blurry and the last thing I remember is Lea running towards my direction before everything went black.


I woke up and found myself in a hospital as I saw my dad sitted on the couch talking to someone on his phone.

"Dad?" I croaked making me realize, my throat is dry

"Hey hey take it easy. Here drink some water"

I grab the glass and gulp down the content.

"Bahi. .  . how is she?" I asked remembering what happened before I ended up here.

"She's still not awake but the doctor said she's going to be OK" my dad said as he sat down beside me and tears fall down his face.

"Why haven't we noticed anything? How come she's not telling us anything? Why? Just why did she try to kill herself instead of talking to me, to your mom, to Lea , to your uncle, or even to you. How come we haven't known anything?"

My dad sobbed as I rub his back.

"I'm sorry Kai, I somehow failed as your father"

I hugged him as right as I could.

𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 (𝓑𝓮𝓸𝓶𝓚𝓪𝓲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now