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I smiled as I look at the doves on our palms remembering that boy, that boy I thought I would never meet again.

"It's getting late and my sisters are blowing up my phone. You should go home and rest also."

I said as I place the necklace inside my pockets.

He hummed as I continue to stroke his hair. It's so soft and smooth, it smells nice too.

"Will you be OK during the court hearing?"

By the way, I told him about the court hearing that I will be attending sooner .

"I will be fine. I'm not scared anymore. I just wish I could see you after"

He giggled as he nodded on my chest he's currently laying his head on.

"The small stone you throw at me is nothing compared to the bomb I'm about to throw at you"

I look at him as he sat back and face me with a huge smile.

"Remember that line? That was one of my favorite lines from your characters. It's so simple yet powerful. I want you to not hold back just like how Young Detective Park didn't hold back in his fights. I know you can do it. You have many people backing you up"

I smiled as I remember the movie series I made before "Young Detective Park" where I play a character that never holds back and never backs down and in the end manage to bring down the enemies who try to drag him down.

I love doing that series and is one of my favorites and I'm glad Beomgyu likes it too.

"I'll remember that thank you. So shall we? I don't want to worry Taehyun, he sounds scary"

Beomgyu laugh as we stood up and walk to my car oh . .  my dad's car as I again close all the blinds well except from the driver's seat of course. We drove out the forest and head to his house.

"I'll see you soon after OK?"

He removed his seatbelt as he let out a laugh.

"I can't believe this bush is our hiding place. "

I laugh upon realization.

I mean, this bush is so thick I can hide a whole car here and this is like few steps away from their gate.

"I'll see you soon"

He smiled as he lean and place a quick kiss on my lips before opening the door.

"Love you"

"Love you too"

When he enter their gate, I drove away and head straight to the company after calling my mom.


All eyes are on me as they start to talk about the movie.

"I can film if my sisters are comfortable again"

I said and they all smile and my dad still has a serious face on. Trust me, it's scaring me already.

"The kids can continue with the shooting. But I demand for tighter security. Also , the three of you will make an appearance on National television for an interview."

My uncle said as we all nod. Interview is great though for us to make clarifications, explanations and maybe a request to never talk about this again.

𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 (𝓑𝓮𝓸𝓶𝓚𝓪𝓲) ✔Where stories live. Discover now