The Other Half - Finale

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Hey guys! This is it! The finale of the story. I'd like to start off by thanking everyone who had been supporting this story. This goes out for every one of you. I hope you'll like it! Also this chapter is pretty long, like really long. I hope you are ready. Enjoy!

I've never had a moment's doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one. My reason for life. - Ian McEwan

"Ellie, wait!" I shot without thinking. I wasn't going to let Ellie go this time. She needed to know. That song hit me and struck me with emotions that I haven't felt in a long time. I missed her, a lot. This time, I wasn't going to make the same mistake of letting her go that easily. She has been through a handful just the same as I did.

Everyone's head turned to my direction with burning gazes and I felt uncomfortable. Everyone's head but Ellie's. I look down at Trig and gave me a comforting smile and nod. I got out of my seat and walked towards the aisle. "I feel the same way" I managed to say just above my breath, afraid and hesitant. Still, Ellie's back was facing me, feeling less confident with my confession but still went with it anyway. Was I being foolish for doing this in front of the whole crowd?

"Love isn't pretending." I said louder this time. Slowly, Ellie's face becoming more visible. She turned her back and was now facing the crowd. I wasn't sure where I am going to take this conversation, but I continued without hesitation. It's my turn to tell her how I felt.

"What do you mean?" Ellie says beginning to walk down from the stage. People eyeing us waiting for what was going to happen next. Murmurs could be heard, mixtures of murmurs of confusion and adoration.

"I'm done pretending and hiding behind people's words. I'm done pretending to be someone I'm not because whenever I'm with you, I love the way I am. There isn't only one right way to love and I know that you knew this from the very start." I looked at her, meaning every word that I said. Tears swelling up in my eyes. She continued to look at me with an expression that I couldn't read.

"As you said, love isn't always kind and humble. Love is messy, horrible, selfish and bold." Her eyes widened as I said those few words, remembering the day when we were in this very place standing in the same position as we were, but only the positions were changed.

"Aster, I don't understand." she says, this time tears rolling down her cheeks. "This, this is the boldest stroke I could possibly make." I walked towards her. Paul over in the corner, gave me an approved look and I went for it.

"We have been through a hell of a lot of time trying to find our own perfect halves, trying to reach out for one another. We failed countless times, more times than I could remember. We took risks and painted a good picture but right now, here in front of everyone, I'm making the boldest stroke." Gasps can be heard in multiple direction and it fell silent for a while. People still staring at us as if they were watching a high school drama.

I made my way towards Ellie and stopped right in front of her. "I was home one day, and I really wanted to talk about what I have been feeling, about the day that I'm having and every random thought that came to mind. At that moment, then and there, I realized that the only person I wanted to talk about that stuff is with you. So, screw just being friends, screw Avery and every other people that tried to get in our way, and screw the universe because we can probably find our way back together anyway, right?"

I waited for an answer. The air felt so tense. I can hear it ring with unspoken words and feelings. If I am being completely honest, it makes me feel uncomfortable. "Say something!" A random person in the crowd shouted. We both shot our gazes towards the crowd that had been staring at us. More and more people added on, all the "yeah!" and repeated encouragement from the crowds made me feel more accepted than I have ever felt. All the insecurities vanished, I looked over to my family who had been watching with smiles on their faces. I looked back towards Ellie, "What do you say?".

The Other Half // The Half of It - Netflix // Ellister / Assie Fanfic //Where stories live. Discover now