Headed East

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The plot of this is right after the ending of the half of it and this "sequel" is something that I came up with. Note that there's a lot of spoilers from the actual movie.  Anyways, to whoever reads this, enjoy!

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. - H.Jackson Brown Jr.

"I'll keep him busy tasting new ketchups." He says noticing the way I looked over dad, worrying whether he would be okay. "Nice write-up in the Town Crier." I told him proudly. "Yeah, Munsky Suasages is gonna blow up, I might get to Iowa before you do." He says in a mocking tone. "I better get going then" I said and silence fell between the both of us. We have grown over the past few weeks and I am definitely going to miss Squahamish. Nervously not knowing what to say, I sent paul a set of emojis hoping it would lighten up the mood, "Here". "The caterpillar does look smart." He says softly after seeing my text.

"Too smart to be crying on a platform like a wussy." I told him sarcastically and it cleared up the thickened air between us. "I'm not crying" He says confused and to mock him further, "Wussy" I told him before walking away onto my train. I looked back "Wussy!" I said again louder and he just stood there watching me go off. "Wussy" I mouthed now seated on the train about to leave, smiling at the reaction I got from paul.

What is in it for me now from here? I'm leaving the place I lived half my life in, my dad, my friends, Paul and ... Aster. Can I do this on my own? Will I be able to get through this? Will things be okay when I'm back? So much thoughts clouded my mind as the train started to move.

"Heey!" A muffled sound disrupted my thoughts "Hey!" I heard Paul shout from the other side of the train. I looked over and saw this moron running alongside the train "What?" I asked confused, "Paul, what are you doing?" I teared up "Stop! Stop! What are you doing .." Laughing at his pure idiocy chasing the train knowing damn well that he won't be able to outrun the train but tries to anyway. I sobbed softly "Moron". Sighing back to my thoughts. This is it, I am going to pursue my dreams in Liberal Arts in hopes of making my mom and dad proud.


"What's going on with you?" Aster asks while crossing her arms, with an expression that I understand. Hurt. "Well ..." not knowing where this conversation is going "I'm headed east to Grinnell, I'm leaving tomorrow .." I told her before she cut me off mid-sentence "That's great Ellie. Take care." She says bluntly walking away from me. "Aster!" I called out her name in hopes of taking her attention "I'm sorry", I apologize anyway and the silence between us spoke so much words, was she going to continue walking away? The air thickened and I didn't know what to expect hereon out.

"It was just ... supposed to be one letter" trying to clear out some of the thick air around us. "I never meant to hurt you." Breaking down my walls, trying to understand how she feels. She turns around and that is when I knew I should expect for what's worse to come.

The distance between us is evident and a lot of thoughts came through my mind, "Deep down, I probably knew the truth. You really didn't use enough emojis in his texts." She clears out my thoughts "I don't know what they mean" I told her in frustration not exactly knowing what the purpose of those little images were for or what they meant. "A puppy or.. a sausage" she continues and I thought, sausage? "I should have sent you a sausage emoji?" completely dumbfounded how I was expected to send a sausage emoji, what does that even mean?

"Fair point" she smiles and the fog around us cleared up, relieved that the tension between us is gone, but deep down I am longing. Longing to stay a little longer with Aster Flores.

"For what it's worth, it's not like the thought never crossed my mind" she busts the cloud of thoughts in my mind, what thought? Was she confused towards how she felt for me? Does she feel anything at all? "You know, if things were different." She continues explaining "or I was different" another silence fell between us, there's nothing else she could do to be different, the way she is right now is great "You could never be different." I told her honestly knowing that the person she is right now is perfect.

"Am I sure I'm different? How do I know I'm sure?" I questioned out loud implying that she does not have to be different to be able to feel and own her feelings. "Hey, I can be sure." She replies to my banter, "I mean, what does God think?" continuing while we walked alongside one another "Oh, my God" she scoffs at my comment, "And on, and on, and on" I continued in hopes of enlightening the mood "And you know, you watch. Okay? In a couple of years, I am gonna be so sure." She says proudly "Good luck with that." Contented with all the bantering that happened just now.

"Find something good in Iowa to believe in, heathen" she says softly, a little sadness in her tone. She understands me, she see right through me and this feeling is just crippling under my skin, waiting for the courage. You never really understand a person until you consider things from their point of view, until you climb inside of their skin and walk around in it, I remembered.

Halfway into my thoughts, I let go of my bike and ran towards Aster, not thinking clearly and cuffed her cheeks in my hands and kissed her. "I'll see you in a couple of years"


"Next station is, Ottumwa Iowa" the PA system disrupted my thoughts. This is it, I will begin my five bold strokes starting from here. Bring it on, Aster Flores. I will definitely see you in a couple of years, just wait for it, I thought. "We accept the love we think we deserve" I remembered and smiled at the thought of Aster. "Find something good in Iowa to believe in, heathen" her voice echoes in my head. I will find something greater than good.


"I'll see you in a couple of years" Ellie says after the kiss. It's her. All these feelings built up from the letters and messages. It's Ellie. "You can never be different" her voice echoes through my head as I walked back to my car. Just wait for me Ellie, you'll see, I'll be sure of who I am and who I will be in a few years, I thought, still feeling this tingling feeling in my stomach. Five bold strokes and we will create another beautiful painting.

A/N This is a little story that I want to let out of my heart because I think that we deserve a sequel for this, so I am making one just to satisfy my own needs haha. To whoever reads this, I hope the next few chapters would satisfy you too.

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