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Hey guys! Before starting this chapter, I'd like to share this video created by my friend. Hope you would take some time to watch it :) It's really good, I swear you won't regret it! Tell me what you think :) Anyway, here is another chapter, hopefully it would make you feel better. Enjoy!

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. – André Gide

I walked back and forth by my truck waiting for Ellie to come down from her house. My guts felt like they were twisted in different directions, I wanted to puke. My heart is racing and all the words that I want to say are gliding past my brain as if I have had forgotten how to speak. Pacing back and forth becoming more and more impatient before I heard the door creak open.

"Hey, are you okay? What'd you need to talk about at this hour, Paul?" she asked concerned at my behavior. My mouth opens but nothing comes out, I tried to speak but my voice is stuck in my throat. How do I tell her about my relationship with Aster? I betrayed her and lied to her and pretended to be a good friend.

"Paul?" her voice now much more evident. Her arms crossed trying to keep warm in this cold weather, rubbing her arms to retain as much warmth as she can. I opened my mouth again but didn't manage to say anything, instead I pointed towards my truck and motioned her to get in. She climbed into my truck looking at me in confusion.

"So, what is this all about?" she asks again, and I took a deep breath to try and stay calm, to find the words that I need to say.

"I'm sorry that I betrayed you and what I'm about to say may potentially destroy whatever we have as friends, but I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to have it come to this." I blurted out as fast as I could, barely keeping an eye contact because of the shame that I'm feeling. My stomach felt much sick than it did a little while ago, we were in silence for a moment before she spoke up.

"If I'm honest, I, I was stunned when I knew about it." She looked at me and her facial expression changed. She looked hurt but very calm, her eyes were teary, and you can see it reflect from the light, her arms still wrapped around herself as if she is trying to protect herself.

"I'm not mad or anything if that is what you think. Besides, it was you who put in so much effort just for Aster, making sure that she was okay, and you stood up for her. I saw how much you cared." she continued talking and I just listened intently, nodding at her statements.

"In all honesty, I think it is only right that she belongs to you. I had so much questions when Aster told me about the relationship you had and how I was so clueless that this was happening while I was back in Iowa. I thought to myself that, that maybe, Aster got tired of the same old letters that I've been sending her." Tears started to roll down her cheeks and I wanted to tell her that what she is saying isn't true, but she continued talking.

"At the diner earlier, I practically gave up and thought that I should move on from these feelings because it hurts that I'm in love with someone that I couldn't even keep. As much as I want to be with her, I can't let go of the dreams that I am pursuing in Iowa, and that was when I thought, maybe Aster didn't feel the same way as I do." She says softly towards the end and I was hurt. I was hurt because while I was busy trying to keep Aster happy, I neglected her. I was her friend, someone who she trusted and someone she would turn to especially at the fact that she had no one else in Iowa.

"Ellie, I know that what we had was real, but, Aster, Aster doesn't laugh as much as she did when you're around. She doesn't look at me the same way she does to you. She, she doesn't glow around me as much as she does when you're around. If these aren't the tell-tale sign of her feelings, then I don't know what is." I told her genuinely laying my hand on her shoulder attempting to comfort her in a way that I know of.

"How would you know that she feels the same way as I do?" she asks sniffing through her tears while wiping her eyes. She looked so vulnerable and I just had the urge to hug her as tight as I could and tell her not to cry, the feeling where I just want to protect her. What she asked made me think about what she said years ago at the church when Trig proposed.

"You'll never know if you don't risk that bold stroke." She looked at me with an instant change of expression, from complete shock to a more relaxed and relieved look. She nodded at me and gave me a warm smile, "Thank you." She says before hopping off my truck as I watch her walk back towards her house. The door closed behind her and my heart sank. I love Aster Flores, but I must let her go, she's happier with her. Tears started flowing from my eyes and I pulled out of Ellie's driveway and drove off to get my mind off these feelings.


What kind of risk am I going to take? The talk I just had with Paul gave me a boost of confidence and I am grateful for that. I walked back into the house and when I opened the door, Aster was standing by the door, crying. Why was she crying? Did she hear the conversation I just had with Paul?

"I'm sorry I hurt you" she says sobbing walking towards me. I opened my arms and took her in a warm embrace. You could never hurt me, even if you did, it will always be okay because that's just how it is. Love makes you screwy, it makes you numb. Despite all the feelings, love also brings out the best character of yourself.

"It's okay, shh" I repeated still in the same position. This feels right, her in my arms and me comforting her the best that I can. Her head laying on my shoulder, the strong floral scent of her hair and the warm tears seeping through my shirt. We stood by the door in silence still wrapped around each other, she pulled away after a few minutes and looked at me. She wiped her tears and apologized for the tear stain on my shirt and I just shrugged my shoulder to indicate that it's alright.

Her eyes are now red from her cries, cheeks are still warm and pink. Despite crying, her eyes looked wholesome and they were staring right at mine. Aster Flores is right in front of me, our faces just inches away, I could feel her breathe on my skin and it sent shivers up my spine. The fact that these feelings are so strong is driving me insane. I held her hand and closed my eyes, I laid my forehead on her and sighed.

"A chance at the greater painting" she says softly, I opened my eyes and smiled at her. This is it, the look, the look that Paul had told me about years ago. This is our chance to paint something great, together. I took a small step forward and cupped her cheek and rubbed them softly staring at her dark orbs, satisfied at the sight of Aster. I closed my eyes and leaned in. Aster's arms found its way around my neck and kissed me deeper and passionate than the other kisses that we had shared. This was different, it felt almost as if we were hungry for one another, it felt like she needed me, and it feels so right.

I feel like my shell opened up, the walls are being torn down, every layer that i have built to keep people out, now falling off because of this one girl. I feel exposed, but safe, vulnerable but happy, so much mixed feelings but my heart is content. All it took was one kiss and every insecurities and anxiety just vanished.

My head was pounding, and my heart was beating, we pulled away from the kiss slowly, breathless. We shared a smile, her arms still wrapped around my neck.

"So, what does this mean for us now?" I asked, still gazing at her eyes.

A/N Finally some problems are resolved between the three. How about Trig? What happened to his message? Could there be a chance for both Aster and Ellie now?

I hoped you enjoyed this part, at least the last few bits. Tell me what you think? By the way, how was the video?

On another note, thank you, to everyone who is reading :) I didn't expect this fic to get more than a thousand views but I'm happy that a lot are enjoying this as much as I do and am truly grateful for each reads, votes and comments.

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