tonight, we smoked them out

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like at every wedding, it's the reception everyone looks forward to.

as anne and gilbert danced the night away in the field just outside the church, the guests were drinking wine and cheap booze.

but the night was slowly coming to the fun part.

the speeches.

as tradition in the town of avonlea, it was required for the best man and the maid of honor to deliver one.

fred and diana...this wasn't going to be good.

diana slowly made her way to the platform they had set up while gently tapping her glass, "hello everyone, if you don't know me, i was honored as tonight's maid of honor and i am the first to deliver a speech since the best man begged me to not make him go first"

this comment left fred playfully upset and gilbert and anne worried for what else she might expose while under the influence, "gilbert and annes love story is one that a thirteen year old anne would have described as a 'tragical romance'. now many of you may be asking, why use the word tragical if they are so happy? well you see, it was a very bumpy road to get to the happiness that they have now. as many of you know anne and gilbert started off as rivals in their class. it had seemed as if the two had despised the other for the longest time, but as time went on, we could all tell it was a little more than a rivalry- well everyone did except for themselves. for anne and gilbert are probably two of the most oblivious people i know"

at this comment many laughed and agreed, cole being the loudest of them all, "in fact it sadly took me screaming at gilbert in a train and for me to meddle with anne to get them finally together. but nonetheless- they are also two of the most loving people i have ever met." gilbert then gently grasped annes hand, as if to signal to anne that he agreed with her, "when gilbert got sick, anne stayed by his side with nothing but love and compassion. and whenever anne got upset or mad about anything, gilbert had always been there to comfort and to hold her"

"the two of them are the symbol of true love itself and are something that i think everyone can look up to in some aspect. so please raise your glass to the avonleas newest and in my opinion best married couple"

after everyone raised their glasses and took a small sip, fred approached the stage.

"thank you to diana for delivering a speech that is impossible to follow up", he had said with a slight giggle as the crowd shared it with him, "i have only had the pleasure of knowing anne and gilbert for four years but i can assure you that it feels like forever"

"if anyone of you don't know me, i was gilbert's dorm mate at college and i spent some of the most happiest and embarrassing moments of my life with him. from hearing him constantly complain about not seeing anne, to almost losing him three years ago, to watching him study endlessly to become an amazing doctor. i can assure you that i have seen the best and worst of gilbert" he paused before looking at the very confused look gilbert was shooting him, "but i can also assure you that whenever he was at his best, it was because he was with anne. the two of them light each other up in ways i have never seen before. so thank you anne, for making my best friend the luckiest and happiest guy on this earth"

"now please raise your glass once again to my two best friends and their joyous union"

and with that the party reconvened.


the night of the wedding was one that many had chalked up to me the most erotic of them all. for anne and gilbert it was no different.

as soon as gilbert carried her through the door of his old house and up the stairs to his room, his shirt was already being undone by anne, her lips never leaving his.

soon the wedding clothes were tossed about on the floor and the two were left on the bed.

"annie" he said lifting up from the nook of her neck from which he was previously kissing, "are you sure you're alright with this"

breathlessly anne responded with an, "i'm more than alright"

and with that the two spent the night in ways they had only ever imagined.

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