with illusions of someday

870 29 31

anne's mind wasnt in the right place as she hurried along the streets of the cold and brisk town of queens.

she wanted more than anything to turn back around and hug her crying friend, providing some kind of comfort, but she knew she couldn't.


had diana really thought that about me?


was our entire friendship just a lie?


while anne was wrapped up in her thoughts, she didn't even notice that she had arrived at the steps of aunt jos house.

it was frightening to her how well she could zone out. one moment she could be across town, and then as if no time passed by, she could be on the other.

her imagination was like her very own superpower.

with a breath of courage and a slight elevation of the wrist, anne knocked on the door.

almost immediately she was welcomed in by one aunt jos butlers and a warm smile.

stepping into the place, it almost felt as if she was accepting defeat. accepting that that word still held some sort of power over her and her life.


"that's all youll ever be ann" emma said while spitting in her face one night.

"stop screaming in your sleep, you freak" another had said.

"no wonder your parents gave you up, you're just a freak"

"why anne, what are you doing here?" aunt jo had said, breaking the thoughts in her head.

"i uhm, i need a place to stay tonight, is that alright?" she said, her hands still shaking a bit.

"why yes- yes it's fine by me but your friend, jerry, took the last room"

"oh" was all anne was able to say before an idea struck her, "can i stay with cole, i know it's late but i'm sure he wouldn't mind?"

"right you are" jo said with a friendly smile

anne approached the staircase with care. she didn't wanna wake anyone up for that would be dreadfully awful to her. she couldn't disturb anyone else-


her hair shakily raised up to the door and with a little bit of pressure, she heard the other shuffle.

to say cole was suprised would be an understatement, "anne!" he said while twirling her around to make sure she was real. it's when he saw the look in her eyes, that he realized this wasn't a happy visit, "oh anne did something happen? are marilla and mathew ok? did gilbert hurt you? do i need to take care of anyone?"

with a giggle she shot him a half hearted smile, "i just need a place to stay please"

he nodded and soon enough they were both dressed and ready for bed with all the lights out.

"you wanna talk about?" he questioned carefully, as if he was afraid that she would be angered or devastated by the memory.

"i messed up" she spoke softly, "i angered diana, stormed out and now i think she hates me"

cole turned in the bed so that he was now looking at her, "dianna could never hate you, what did she say that has you so upset?"

it was then when anne allowed herself to break down. i'm between her hiccups she choked out, "she called me a freak" and "then she said, without her, no one would have liked me"

cole didn't know how to approach the situation that was unraveling in front of him, he loved both anne and diana but recently they seem to have been fighting so much more.

"anne, look at me" he said staring at her as if i'm order to get his point through, "you are an amazing woman and so what if you're a freak? i'm a freak. we are one of the same and that's what makes us so different and amazing"

in that moment she saw how much her friend had changed, he was no longer ashamed of himself, he truly loved himself.

she couldn't have been prouder.

"thank you cole" she said as she hugged him tightly.

"and besides, you got gilbert to love you all on his own" he whispered into her hair knowing it would get a rise out of her.

"cole mckenzie! politely shut up" she said slightly angered and embarrassed.

"you should go visit him, i'm sure he just longs to see you again" he said in a teasingly fashion.

"good night cole" she said annoyed as she turned in bed.

"heh, goodnight anne" he had said before adding, "make sure to dream of gilbert for me"

this earned him a groan of anger and a pillow to the face before they both calmed down for the night.

but anne couldn't stop thinking of one thing

should i go visit gilbert?



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