this is our life

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the day seemed almost perfect to gilbert. the weather was chilly but not unbearable and the air seemed to be fresher to him.

but best of all, he was holding hands with the girl he most desperately missed.

"so where are you taking me?" she asked him curiously. to be fair, they had been aimlessly walking around the town for 20 minutes and to make matters worse anne was a very impatient woman.

with a teasing smirk he looked down at her, "it's a suprise carrot cake"

"you did not just call me that!" anne said with a playful groan before teasingly pushing him away.

gilbert pretended as if he had been stabbed before saying, "oh how you wound me"

this caused anne to glare at him and made gilbert in return stick out his tongue.

"i hate you gilbert blythe" she said while biting her lip to prevent herself from smiling.

it was as if the atmosphere shifted between them and they went from playful giggles to seriousness in a matter of seconds.

it was then when gilbert grabbed her waist, pulling her closer to him before saying, "i think we both know that's not true"

she looked up at him and they both instinctively leaned into each other. it was as if two puzzle pieces were reunited again as their lips grazed each other.

the kiss couldn't have lasted longer than a meer 30 seconds but it was enough time to make both of their hearts flutter at the touch of the other.

"hm i don't know gil, i think i need some more convincing" anne said out of breathe.

he immediately crashed his lips back on hers, this time it was filled with a different sort of feeling.


"gil" she said while trying to break out of his touch a bit, "we have to stop, we are in public"

reluctantly, he pulled away before a small pout was laid on his lips, "just one more kiss"

"not until you tell me where we are going"

"but annieeee" he whined our while making puppy eyes at the red head

"no buts gilly"

"fine" he said while dragging her along with him, this time at a faster pace.

what has gotten into him today?


"oh gil this place is wondrous" anne said, her eyes lighting up like a kid in a candy shop.

gilbert had taken the girl to a flower field he had stumbled upon on his first week here. the field was covered in the most beautiful sunflowers and daisies he had ever seen, "so i take it you like the suprise?"

"like it?" she said in disbelief, "gilbert i love it! it's- it's magnificent!"

"does it earn me that kiss you promised me earlier" he said teasingly.

"it earns you all the kisses in the world"


the sun was nearly setting and it made the flower field shine in a golden light.

gilbert could have sworn right there and then he had never seen anything as gorgeous.

anne has been currently running through the field in the golden light, picking flowers to add to her flower crown, she looked so happy, so free to him.

it was then when anne abruptly plopped herself down in front of the tree gilbert had been leaning on, "i have something for you" she said with a small smile.

"i actually do too" he said, surprising her once more, "but ladies first"

with a giggle she pulled out two flower crowns and before gilbert could properly react, she had it placed on his head.

"i love it annie, thank you" he said with a loving gaze. to her, it was just a flower crown, but to him, it showed she cared and was thinking of him.

he kissed her forehead softly before reaching into his bag and pulling out his surprise for her.

"i found this in a shop today" he said softly before gently handing the book to anne. the name walt whitman was plastered across it, "i used to read it when i was away at sea and it always used to remind me of you"

"oh gil, this is so sweet, i can't wait to read every page" she said before leaning in, "thank you"

and with that he pulled her lips to his.


the pair were on their way back, as nightfall was rapidly approaching. as they walked through the meadow hand in hand anne finally got the courage to ask gilbert the questions he had been dying to all day, "so what were you doing in town?"

his eyes widened for a second before he effortlessly said, "just running a few errands".

why would he lie?

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