and listen to our thoughts

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it had been a week since anne and gilbert's adventure time to the library and it seemed as if the tension between the two had grown stronger.

anne never knew that you could miss someone so much after not seeing them for a week.

but she found herself reading and rereading the latest poem that he had sent her in the mail.

had he really wrote this when he was away at sea?

it's always been you
my dearest friend
it has always been you
that i have loved
my heart is etched
with your name, so dear
and my mind is preoccupied with your smile
a smile that is so contagious it's deathly
and dimples that make me wanna scream so loud
and it doesn't stop there-
oh no, my love
for your freckles remind me of the kind stars
lighting up your eyes
like the night sky
and oh how your hair-
so curly, so red
makes it so i can see you
in a sea of people
you stand out in extraordinary ways,
my love
not only by looks
but by who you are
you are brave
my dearest love-

her memorizing had been disrupted by the shrill cry of a teenage girl that she knew so well.

anne flew out of the room carelessly and ran down the stairs, almost tripping on them on the way down.

when she got there she saw someone she hadn't expected to see until christmas

"jerry? what's going on here?" she said, her voice laced with confusion and protectiveness.

though she had grown to love him as a brother, she couldn't help but find herself protecting diana.

"why don't you ask diana?" jerry said his voice breaking from the tears and pain.

"i sent jerry a letter apologizing for everything" diana said in a hushed tone, "there could have been better ways to say some things"

dear jerry,

i hope that this letter finds you in good health. i find myself needing to explain what happened between us, maybe that way you'll see why i did what i did. when i thought i was going to france, i couldn't bear the thought of leaving another person so i pushed you away. on top of that, i knew my parents would never approve of our courting. i had to do what i had to do to protect you and i'm not sorry for that. i hope you understand that much. say hi to your family for me, i miss them dearly.

your friend,
diana berry

when anne finally finished the letter she could see both sides of the fight clearly.

diana was upset because she thought she cleared the air and was doing the right thing for him.
while jerry was heartbroken about it all and felt like he didn't need the protection of diana.

i was all clear to anne now.

"jerry, i think you should go and stay with aunt jo for the night" anne said with a small smile.

he nodded before looking at diana one last time, tears welling up in his eyes.

"now diana why would you send a letter like that?" anne said after shutting the door. her tone coming off more angry than concerned.

"oh anne, i didn't think that he'd be so upset" she said dismissing the redheads point

"that's just it diana, you didn't think about him at all, you never do" anne said angrily remembering how diana broke his heart.

"oh and you think you know everything, right? don't forget who got you and gilbert together in the first place" diana shot back, "without me you would still be that freak that no one liked"

anne could feel her heart break as she registered what she just said.


"i'm sorry anne- i didn't-"

"if you didn't mean it, you wouldn't have said it" anne said while grabbing her coat on that cold night, "i'm staying with aunt jo as well tonight, don't follow me"

this would be the first thing to flip her world upside down

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