Part 4

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Hello readers this is part 4 of my book, I hope you enjoy.

Their is going to be only one lemon this chapter.

I will write about Garunen near the end of the chapter. This chapter is longer then usually so enjoy.


Garunen POV

I get out of my thoughts and see natsumi is still in her thoughts then I decide I probably shouldn't get her pregnant or do something to her that would get me on the wrong side of Kushina. "Natsumi we will continue this another time my little red rose." I say then she blushes, and then I teleport us to outside of where her, and her Auntie Kushina lives.

Natsumi POV

I get out of my thoughts and here Garunen call me his little red rose, I then blush because I know he likes my hair, he then teleported us to where I live. I then kiss him and say "my Auntie will want to talk to you garu, and tell karin sorry that we couldn't visit her recently." he says ok and we will meet another time, then kisses me, and then i kiss back, and then we stop, he says goodbye then I say "goodbye", then he left. I then go up into my house, take off my sandals and go into the kitchen and tell kushina about what garunen said, and did except for grabbing my butt, and that I graduated.

Kushina POV (Kushina is wearing what she wore in the anime).

"I will have to meet him, but I am happy for you and natsumi you know that garunen has girls in his harem, and that you will have to share." She then says yes I know. I simile "I am also happy that you graduated, now tell me what justsu did you use, and how the others did. She told me what she did, and what the other did, and now i am instersted in tsunade, garunen, sasua. Garunen has 1 kekkei tota, and 1 kekkei genkai, and he has already mastered them, he would make an excellent ninja in the future, and I would have to ask him about the acid clone, no normal kid should be able to do what he does, but I guess he is a prodigy. Then their is also tsunade, she was able to do the shadow clone jutsu, and the water style: water wall a b-rank jutsu, and still not be tired. Well she is a desendent of the senju clan, and uzumaki clan, and her chakra reserves are huge, since she inherited their life force, and physical energy. Then sasua Hozuranen, or before she was known as uchiha a civilian, but since she lives with garunen she must have been training to get her chakra reserves up to do the shadow clone jutsu, and a c-rank jutsu. Natsumi she is a desendent of the uzumaki clan, and has chakra reserves that is close to tsunade, and she is able to do chakra chains our clans kekkei genkai, and she was trained by me, and she also has learned my own jutsu that I taught her, she has trouble with seals, but I will help her with it I am so proud(In my book she ended the third great ninja war with the flying thunder god, and she also created the rasengan). Wait their is one prodigy a generation, but natsumi class has 4 prodigy's, this could be bad, or good for the leaf village. Tomorrow I am getting my team, and I hope I get natsumi, and at least one of those three on my team.

After kushina got out of her thoughts they ate, and then did their normal stuff before they go to bed, and then went to bed for tomorrow.

Garunen POV

After I left I then went to the Hozuranen clan compound, and I then walked in and took off my blue sandals. As I was walking I saw on the clock that it was 6:20 then I heard one of the maids walking downstairs, and I look to see it is Karin, and once she was downstairs, she saw me, and bowed then said.

Karin POV

Once I saw Garunen-sama, I bowed and said "garuen-sama i'm sorry I didn't see you."

Garunen POV

"It is ok karin, and karin your cousin told me to tell you that they are sorry that they couldn't visit you recently." She said thank you for telling me Garunen sama, and then lead me to the kitchen where I see kin by the table, and mikoto and sakura cleaning, while I assume Izumi is cleaning the rooms.

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