Pt.16 Wolves

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Chapter 16

Maksim watched as the palace staff slowly set up the food on the little table next to Ella's bed. She had her eyes on him, asking if all this was really necessary.

"You need to eat," Maksim rolled his eyes.

"A whole thanksgiving meal?" Ella asked with concern.

"It's not a lot," Maksim laughed. "You forget my body can burn through all that in an hour."

"Jesus," Ella's eyes widened.

"You'll be fine,"

"I'm not eating all that,"

"I will. You just worry about your share," Maksim said as he began to lift the cover off the dishes. He thanked the staff and they swiftly shuffled out of the room.

"What would you like?" Maksim asked his mate.

"I really don't feel like eating," Ella frowned.

"Too bad. Soup and sandwich?"

"Max," Ella pouted. "Please, no."

"Soup and sandwich it is," Maksim laughed as he made a plate for Ella. "Turkey or ham, love?"


"Okay, turkey."

Ella rolled her eyes as Maksim walked around the table and brought her the plate of sandwich. Her stomach turned at the thought of eating anything but Maksim wouldn't take no as an answer.

"Just finish half of it, please?" He begged her.

Ella sighed in defeat, "Fine."

Maksim smiled in satisfaction as he grabbed himself a sandwich as well. He walked back to Ella's bed and sat down in front of her as they shared their lunch.

"We should go back to school," Ella said as she picked at the bread.

"Missing one day won't hurt and besides, you had a medical emergency."

"My parents will find out,"


"The school calls home if we miss classes,"

"I'll have dad call Mr. Davis and I promise to get you home by the end of the day. They will never know."

"What about all the work we missed?"

"I can tutor you,"

"You have a solution to everything, don't you?"

"I do," Maksim laughed. "There's a solution to everything but you."

"So I'm a problem?"

Maksim rolled his eyes and sasses Ella, "Oh yes, Ella Dunbar. You are such a problem. You are a pain in my ass."

"Isn't the phrase a royal pain? So doesn't that imply to you?" Ella laughed.

"If it mean being on your ass then sign me up,"

"You pervert!" Ella gasped.

"I wasn't the one checking out my ass yesterday during History,"

Ella blushed, "I wasn't!"

"You were staring so hard I was afraid my pants would catch on fire," Maksim teased.

"You were sitting right in front of me! And you kept getting out of your seat!"

"Practical undressing me with your eyes."

"Oh my god," Ella covered her face in embarrassment. "I'll move my seat tomorrow."

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