Pt.14 Stop your heart

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Chapter 14

Ella slowly turned around after making sure Gwen wouldn't pass out on the spot. She could feel everyone's gaze on her as she looked up at Maksim's brown eyes.

"....Hi?" Ella said slowly.

"Ah Ms. Dunbar," Principal Davis stopped to see who the prince was talking to. "Good morning."

"Good morning, Mr. Davis," Ella gave him a small smile.

"You two know each other?" Davis looked from Maksim to Ella.

Maksim tore his eyes from Ella to look at the principal. Why did he ask that question as if it was an impossible thing for them to know each other? His tone bothered Maksim.

"Er....Yes," Ella nodded. "My mom works at the palace."

"I see," Mr.Davis nodded.

"Ella and I grew up together," Maksim announced just loud enough for everyone around to hear. He didn't need to try hard. The whole hallway was silent even though it was packed with the student body. Everyone wanted to hear what was going on.

Ella felt Maksim take a step closer to her as she stood staring at the principal. Behind the man, Gwen and her friends stood with their mouths wide open.

"Ella is my...." Maksim started.


Ella's heart leaped up into her throat. She whirled around and shook her head slightly, begging Maksim to not complete the sentence. Behind him, his sister carried the same expression as her. Ella swore she felt everyone lean in a little closer to hear what he had to say.

"Max," Ella called to him in a whisper. "Don't."

Maksim ignored her, "Ella is my best friend. My oldest friend."

Suddenly there was a low murmur that swept over the students in the hall. Ella looked around as everyone stole glances at her and Maksim standing together.

"Oh," Mr. Davis looked shocked. "I did not know that."

"She doesn't talk about me much," Maksim laughed.

"Well then, Ms.Dunbar, will you please complete the tour for me," Mr. Davis cleared his throat. "First day of school, much to be done."

"Of course, Mr. Davis," Ella smiled with her lips pressed against each other. She waited until the man left to turn back around and face the boy behind her.

"Where is English literature?" Maksim asked as he looked at his schedule.

"Seniors have study hall first period," Ella said rolling her eyes. "Let's take Cleo and Clare to their classes first and then I can drop you off."

"Lead the way, my queen,"

"Shhh!" Ella smacked Maksim's arm. "Stop it!"

"Ouch," Maksim rubbed his elbow.

"Oh, you'll live," Ella pushed him aside. She turned her attention to the little girl beside Clare and smiled. "Hi, Cleo."

"Hi!" Cleo greeted her.

"Come, I'll take you to your class. And Clare, I'll show you yours on our way."

"Okay," Clare nodded.

Maksim pushed off the locker he had been leaning against and eyed the way his sister dug her thumbnail into her pointer finger. It was an old habit of hers. She did it whenever she was uncomfortable. As Ella led them down the hall, Maksim leaned towards Clare.

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