Pt.15 To Kill A Mate

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Chapter 15

Ella laid on her bed and stared up at the empty ceiling. Her books were sprawled out all around her as she floated around on cloud nine thinking about the way Maksim had played with her hair or the way he held her against the lockers.

This is how I want to stop your heart.

Ella rolled over on her bed and hid her face in the pillows as she blushed. She wanted more and the realization thrilled her and scared her all at the same time. With a new found ounce of bravery, Ella sat up in bed and dialed Maksim's number.

She tapped her pencil against her textbook as the phone rang and rang. A frown formed on Ella's face when the call went to a voicemail. She didn't bother to leave a message and hung up before the beep. Placing her head down on top of the books Ella, stared at her screen.

He always picked up her phone. Where was he?

She was about to call him again when Ruby called her from the kitchen to help with dinner. Ella quickly threw her phone under her books and hurried to help. Leo and Piper did their homework on the kitchen table as Ruby prepared dinner.

"Where's dad?" Ella asked looking around.

"He's downstairs talking to the neighbors," Piper said. "Did you see the prince today?"

Ella flicked her little sister's head, "Yeah, I did."

"Isn't he so handsome?" Piper sighed. "I wish I could go to St. Vincent."

"Maybe if you had good grades you could," Ella laughed.

"Did you talk to him or to the princesses?" Piper asked, her homework all forgotten.

Ella felt her mother's eyes on her. She shook her head and lied, "No, I didn't talk to them."

"Oh," Piper frowned. "Maybe tomorrow you should. You know, just to say hi."

"There's no need for that," Ruby said quickly as she put a plate of grapes in front of the kids.

"They're not mean," Ella said as she reached for a grape. "The girls looked a bit worried and nervous today. Especially Clare."

"They have more than enough people to worry about them," Ruby muttered. "You mind your own business and keep your head down."

Ella watched her mom closely and her irritation started to surface.

"In all the years that you've worked for them, have they ever said or done anything mean to you?" Ella asked.

"No," Ruby went back to the stove.

"Then why do you dislike them so much? You used to love Maksim and Clare when they were little."

"Ella, I don't have time for this," Ruby sighed. "Cut up the onions, please."

Ella rolled her eyes as she got off her chair and moved to the cutting board. She picked up the knife and gave the onion a rough chop.

"They didn't pick to be born into a family like that," Ella said quietly. "And despite what everyone says, the royal family does do a lot for the people."

Ella heard her mother sigh once more as she set aside the wooden spoon she used to stir the soup.

"Don't let your father hear you say that," Ruby said.

"Mom, I don't underst-"

"Ella," Ruby's tone bordered around a warning. "Enough talking."

Ella was tempted to skip dinner and go to her room. She didn't have the temper to be around her family and sit through a long dinner of them basking Maksim and his family. But she knew Ruby wouldn't allow that.

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