The Golden Weapons

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The following morning, we were heading out to find the first golden weapon, the scythe.

"You know, when Sensei Wu mentioned taking a horse carriage. This is not what I thought he meant at all." I thought out loud.

"Pshhh yeah. But I mean, what did you expect? An actual horse and carriage?" asked Jay.

"Well.....maybe yeah..." I reply out of breath. Actually, we were ALL out of breath. We were carrying a grown man in a carriage.....wauw.

We ran further up the hill when Jay finally decided to say something," Sign me up!" Jay mocked Kai. "Well done spark plug."

"I sense this is some strange form of," Zane takes a moment to catch his breath," team building."

"Ye-....Yeah I gue-..guess so." I panted

"Just keep pulling. We have a long way to go." Cole told us.

"Soooo where did Sensei find you three?" asks Kai.

Cole takes a look at at me and Kai. "Well, let's just say, if it wasn't for Sensei Wu, I don't think we'd ever be seen together. I was testing my limits when Sensei found me."

"Well I was testing my inventions." Jay adds on.

"And I was testing....well...myself." chimes in Zane.

"Well as for us....Kai was running the shop with his sister when he appeared. I was busy shopping. Then, that's when Samukai arrived and attacked. And Nya..." I trailed off, looking down in sadness.

"And that's why we're here. To save my sister." said a determined red ninja.

"So what were you there for Y/n? Who was it you were getting the gear for?"

Oh no no no no

"Um Y/n? You ok there? You seemed to kind of space out there." asks a concerned Cole.

"Yes, is everything alright?" questions a slightly worried Zane.

Oh man. Oh no no.

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's nothing." I bluntly reply.

"Annnnd about that question?"

Everyone glared at Jay. "Whaat? I'm just curious. Yeesh who ruffled up your mane?" He says defensively.

"You know, if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to. We will respect you and your privacy. Correct, Jay?" the white ninja says to the blue ninja.

"Yeah Yeah. Of course." he nods.

I stared at the ground the whole rest of the trip. I didn't feel like talking anymore at this point.

Kai then decides to break the tension and says," You're right, if it wasn't for Sensei, none of us would'v-"

"SHH. Stop!" commands Sensei.

We all brake with our heels and take a rest. Zane then proceeds to walk up to me and whisper in my ear. "If it will make you feel better, you are always welcome to talk to me whenever you'd like. But only if you are okay with it." he pulls away with a slight smile on the side of his face.

"That's, heh, very sweet of you Zane.....thank you." I gratefully smiled.

Little did I know, someone was watching us.


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