The Return of the Overlord

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We sat alone in our cell, Nya, a sniffling mess, when a soldier unlocked the gate, pulling Nya out. She refused, and I tried attacking the guard. "Let her go! Leave her alone!"

He tugged on her arm, and I started swinging punches at him. Kozu lowly chuckles. "Garmadon wants the girl, and only her. Now I suggest you get out of the way, or I'll have to explain why there's a deceased child in the prison."

That only enrages my anger. I kick him in the stomach, and throw Nya behind me. She hides behind me, and I charge up an energy ball. "You want her? You go through me!"

Kozu growls, and Garmadon appears, clearing his throat.

"If you'll excuse me, I have very important matters to discuss with Nya. After that little outburst, I believe it is time to recieve her punishment."

He wickedly chuckles, narrowing his eyes at her.

Nya whimpers, and I shake my head. "I'd be crazy to hand her over."

He smiles, but it isn't a friendly one. He lunges in, and grabs her arm, and pull back on her.

"Restrain her!" He orders.

Another soldier grabs ahold of me, and holds me back. A sword to my throat. "One wrong move.." he taunts while whispering in my ear.

I gulp, keeping my eyes on Nya. Garmadon struggles to keep a hold on her, and hands her off to a few other guards. They grab her, and he smiles. "Hmm. Red doesn't seem to be your color." He says as he tilts her chin. "I think it's time we try on a darker shade." He shoves an apple in her mouth, preventing her from protesting.

"No! Let her go! Take me! Take me!"

"Bring the Dark Matter!" He ignores me, and continues with his plan. "I believe we've found our first test subject."

"Stop! Please!"

Nya's muffled screams went neglected, and a soldier brought in a tray of dark blue and black slime.

I scream, trying to do whatever I could to stop them. I kicked my legs but felt the point sticking to my bobbing throat.

They turned her around, and slowly lowered her toward the tray. She screamed, and shut her eyes tightly.

Garmadon evilly chuckled. "Payback."


(3rd person pov)

The ninja team minus Nya and Y/n cautiously made their way back to the camp, meeting Dr. Julien.

The doctor turns to them with a worrisome face. "What was that sound? The horns?"

Sensei sighs. "Garmadons Ultimate Weapon is now operational, and the battle between good and evil has all but begun."

Lloyd doesn't make eye contact with anyone. He stares at the ground, like all the other guys. Misako places a hand on his shoulder. "Now Lloyd must face his father."

Dr. Julien shakes his head. "But where's Y/n? And Nya?"

Zane holds his heart, Cole tightly shuts his eyes, Kai feels a burning rage inside, and Jay feels nothing but cold loneliness.

Sensei frowns. "They....they have been taken by the Overlord. But we will get them back. At the moment, there are bigger things at stake.....including all of Ninjago itself."

Jay throws his hood off, raging with anger. "Ugh who cares about Ninjago?! Nya was my...-Uh..- a - know..."

Kai cuts in, pulling off his hood as well. "And Nya was my sister. Y/n being I know them being captured is tough, but they're tougher. Tougher than most of us. Especially Y/n. We'll see them again..."

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