Powerful Secrets

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(3rd person pov)

After Zane successfully defeated the queen of the tree horns, the four cheered and high fived each other.

"That was great, Zane! You reached your full potential!" Jay smiled.

"Thank you, but, where is Y/n?" Zane asked, looking around

They all frantically searched around, looking for their missing friend. "Y/n! Where are you!" Yelled a fearful Kai.

"Oh not again....not again...." he whispered.

The ninja desperately searched for the girl, but found nothing. They took their elemental vehicles, and rode back to the Bounty.

Nya greeted them, and smiled. "You're back!" She said. They all wore frowns, and sat on the floor.

"What's wrong? And where's Y/n?" She asked looking around. They didn't answer, which raised Nya's worry. "What? What happened to her?" She asked them again.

Cole decided to answer his friends question.



(Y/n's pov)

Ugh...my head.....

It throbbed like no tomorrow. I reached up to clutch my sore head, but something restrained me. I lifted m head, and groaned to realize how muffled it sounded. I was still very disoriented, and had no idea what was going on.

My vision was blurred, and I could only see about three feet in front of me. "Where am I? Who's there?" I tried to ask, but the duct tape over my mouth made it sound more like, "Mehr ram aye? Hers dehr?"

I felt around the ropes that held my hands together. It was tied around my back, and I noticed my fans were placed on a table nearby. They were emitting their usual glow, but to me, it just looked like a bright blurry light.

"Finally awake?" Said a voice. "About time. She's been out for a couple of hours, it's rude to keep the hosts waiting." Another voice rung out. But this time, it was a woman's.

The voices sounded familiar.....

I tried to untie the ropes with my hands, but still couldn't do it. My vision was still slightly blurry, but I could hear them quite clearly.

I felt a hand push my chair back, making it lean backwards. All I saw was a dark shadow above me. "Trying to escape, are we?" The deep males voice said.

I felt anger rising.

Even though I knew he wouldn't hear me, I still had the urge to yell at him. "Let. Me. Go." I shouted at him.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I heard the smirk in his voice.

"Oh dear, just take off the tape. I'm sure you'll hear better without that ghastly thing over her mouth." The female said.

"Huh. Good idea." I widen my eyes and feel pain across my face. He rips the piece of tape off, leaving a red mark. "Ow! You always this rude to your guests?" I roll my eyes.

"Now Y/n, that is no way to speak to your father!" The woman speaks up.

I only widened my eyes. My stomach dropped, and didn't regain any strength to pull itself up.

"What......what did you say?!"

"Ugh. You see darling? This is why we never let her out with those....eugh....other children." The woman says in disgust.

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