Masters of Spinjitzu (Part One)

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(Y/n's Pov)

I was browsing around one of the blacksmith shops around my home town. I was checking out the armor. seems to be in pretty good condition....wonder if it would do good out in combat.....

"E-Excuse me you need help with our selection of items?" asked one of the employees running this small town shop. He had unusually spiked up brown hair that seemed to defy gravity in a way. I simply replied," No thanks, I'm just browsing around." I said with a quick smile. " Thanks for the offer though." " No problem." he winked back.

Hmph. Who does he think he is?

I'm about to reply back when another girl looking around the same age as him says, " Kai, don't mess with our kind customer. You big flirt." she lightly smacks him in the back of the head. I painfully hold in an explosive laughter. I bite my lip, looking away. "Oh so you think it's funny?" He says, raising his left eyebrow, smirking. Our staring contest is interrupted, as an older man walks in, his beard swaying side to side. He looks around, looking unsure of the merchandise around him.

"Hmph. Your metal is too loud and heavy. Useful for slowing someone down, useless in the art of stealth. All tools for samuri, but nothing for a ninja." he explains to Kai. Kai takes a look at the old man. " Ninja? You're a long way from finding an engine in these parts old man. And this shop is called 'Four Weapons' not ' For Browsing'. Either buy something or peddle insults somewhere else." he rudely states, getting into this poor mans face.

Wow. Didn't think he could be such a hot head.

"Well, what about you, young one? " he said while lowering his head at me. I only stared at him in confusion, not sure what to respond with. Silence filled the room.

"Heh. Too bad. Thought I'd find something special here." the man with the beard replies while walking out of the shop.

I awkwardly stand there, deciding whether or not to leave. Kai puts down one of his helmets, as the other girl signals to him. He sighs, about to apologize, when he sees the man has already left. I zip up my jacket and decide to start heading back. It was getting dark anyways. "Welp, I guess I'll see you guys around..."

"Kai, Nya. Nya and Kai."Nya says as she shakes hands with me. "Ok, cool. I'm (Y/n)." I smiled and looked to Kai. "See ya."


I walked out of the store, and slid my hands far up my sleeves so they were hidden. I played with strings of lighting in my hands. If you didn't already know, I have multiple powers. Water, fire, lightning, earth, ice, energy, form, and sound waves. How? Because of my power hungry parents.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when dark clouds started to form and hover over me. I was on the stone road next to some farmers, collecting their crops. As I looked up at the sky, so did everyone else. Loud, booming car sounds were heard at the top of the hill. But what was emerging from them, was nothing anyone could guess.

Samukai and his skeleton army.

Their cars race down, pummeling down the hills. Everyone around me scattered, screaming. I stood there just watching them slow to a stop in front of the Four Weapons. My first instinct was to start running and leave as well...but something inside of me stopped me from leaving.


I have to go back.

I sprinted back to the small town shop, shouting for Kai and Nya. I then see Kai coming out of the shop, with his armor on, raising his sword at the skeletons. As he fights them off, I rush in searching for Nya.

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