Summer with the Teen Gods and Goddesses

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NOTE: This story is based on the author's imagination. Some places and characters are pure fiction, in other words, does not exist.

edited 071214


A dark cloud stirs over Mount Olympus. The Olympians are worried about the aura surrounding their abode - no war is to take place, but an aura like this predicts a grave future. They are frightened of the reason these clouds had appeared.

The chief god, Zeus, sits at the center of the assembly, buried in deep thought. Athena approaches him and taps his shoulder. "We fear of Olympus' fall, Zeus."

"Olympus shall not fall, Athena." Poseidon scowled, rolling his eyes at the witty-eyed Athena.

Everyone in the assembly were engaged in a conversation - a debate, eager to come up with a theory that could explain the mysterious occurrences at Olympus. "Hush, everyone. Let us not create a frenzy on such a solvable matter." And the assembly obeyed, sitting on their thrones, resisting the urge to speak up their thoughts.

"Shouldn't we inform Hades about this, Zeus?" Hera squeezed her husband's hand. "We can send down Hermes to check on him, maybe he knows something." He simply shrugged.

"Yes." Aphrodite commented. "Yes, dear Hades should be informed. Goodness knows what's happening down there."

"Should I go to Hades, then?" Hermes said, rising from his chair. Zeus was about to answer, but a blinding light followed by a green cloud silenced everybody. A tall, laughing figure emerges, revealing the God of the Underworld. Hades has arrived, and the assembly are at shock - the god that refused to go up here, had come.

"Oh." He said, and he continued chuckling. "What are you all silent for? Surprised?"

"Hades." Zeus called as he approached his brother. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought you guys wanted me to 'visit' you bunch up here?" He smirked. He sarcastically crosses his arms. "It looks like I'm not welcome in the 'heavens', anyway."

"We are just surprised of your sudden visit, dear brother." Hera gently answered, flashing a smile. "We were about to inform you about the buzz here at Olympus, dear Hades." Aphrodite said.

Athena walked up to Zeus and held his hand. She senses something - something bad.

"Dark clouds have stirred around Olympus, Hades." Poseidon said, walking around Hades, as if he was inspecting him. "We were just curious about it, and would like to ask you if you have anything to do with it."

Poseidon can see the sly in Hades' eyes and that little smirk he's trying to hide. He had known him since the beginning, and he knows when Hades is hiding something. On the other hand, Hades knows that Poseidon knows what's up, and he can't help but flash his famous grin.

"I knew it." Before Poseidon could apprehend him, Hades had slapped him, and he fell to the floor surrounded with a green fog. The assembly gasps as a very much younger Poseidon emerges from Hades' trick.

"Hades!" Zeus' voiced echoed, but Hades simply raised his hand at him and he suffered the same fate as Poseidon. The assembly stands up and attempts to escape, but Hades surrounds them with a circle of fire.

Hades cackles loudly as the assembly are obviously terrified of him - scared of ending up like the two. It wasn't long until Hera joins them after she approaches Zeus and is surrounded with the fog.

"Hades, please stop!" Aphrodite cried. Hades walks to her, mocking pity. "Stop crying Aphrodite. Stop staining that beautiful face of yours." He started laughing again while he tucked a hair behind her ear. "What do you want Hades?" She asked, sniffing.

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