Chapter 33: Hippogriff Falls

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"You guys alright there?" I asked. We were all squeezed into one cab and were headed to the Niagara County.  Aside from the fact that Zeus is shit scared, we were all sweating from the lack of conditioning the cab's air condition system was. "Peachy keen." Hermes replied. "Are we there yet?" Aphrodite groaned. I shrugged. "Are we there yet?" I repeated the question to the cab diver. He nodded. "We're almost there, ma'am." He replied.

I shot a look at the rear view mirror and was instantly greeted with a pair of blue eyes staring back at me. We haven't talked until the "You can't date her, I don't mind" incident, but to weigh things, I'm guessing we're going to stop talking as a couple any day now. Sigh, right?

Zeus fluttered his eyes open from his nap. He looked around and groaned. "Oh great, we're not there yet." He sarcastically said. I smirked. "Scared?" I asked. He rolled his eyes at me and bit his tongue to keep himself from saying anything mythical or weird for the cab driver. Ah, public transportation. "We're here ma'am." The cab driver told me. Zeus groaned again. "Oh hooray, we're here." He angrily yelled. We all got out of the cab and paid the cab driver. We started walking towards the waterfalls.

"So. . . how do you know which cave we're going to? And are you even sure there's a cave behind this Bridal Falls?" Ares asked me. I nodded. "It's Bridal Veil Falls, and yes I think I know which cave we're going into. It's called Cave of the Winds." I explained. "People go there every time, I think it's a tourist attraction or something." I added. We walked over to one of the binoculars and Hera looked into it. "There it is. The smallest of the three." She said. I looked around and approached an old lady who was talking with her family. The old lady looked at me and smiled. "Hi dear." She greeted. I smiled back at her. "Hi, can I ask a question?" I chirped. She nodded. "Where do I get Cave of the Winds tickets?" I asked. She clasped her hands. "Oh dear, I think that's impossible. They remove the deckings every fall. The attraction's temporarily closed." She said.

"Oh, so there's no other way to get to the cave?" I said. She tilted her head. OMG. Old people make my heart melt. "The cave? Sweetie, the cave's been closed for years. It's not open for tourists." The old lady explained. I raised my eyebrows. "But I saw pictures online, people go there all the time." I said. She shrugged. "I think that's Cave of the Winds in Colorado." The old lady laughed. "Oh dear, why would you want to go inside that cave anyway?" She excused herself and walked away with her family. I pouted. Hera approached me and rubbed my back. "What's the problem, Yhan?" She asked. 

"The attraction's closed for the fall. Damn, how do we get there?" I thought out loud. I looked at the ground around the waterfall and realized some of the decks were still there. But should we? They close the attraction for a reason! Should we really try and go there now?

"Follow me." I whispered to the others and I started walking towards a cafe nearby. We all sat down on separate tables. "We wait until it's midnight, when there are only a few people looking at the falls. Then, we sneak into the attraction, find a way to get to the remaining decks and pray for dear life that the decks won't fall." I whispered to them during an awkward mini huddle. Zeus scratched his chin. "Say the decks won't fall, but what happens when we get caught?" He asked. 

"We won't." I chirped. "Hopefully. Please, please, please trust me on this. This is one of the rare moments that I get to plan for the tasks. Can we please do it?" I pleaded. Aphrodite sighed. "There's a reason we let Athena plan." She then turned to Athena. "What do you think; should we go for it?"

"Honestly?" Athena sighed. "It's a crazy and stupid idea, but it's the best and only way that we're going to get to that cave." She said. I screamed in joy before crouching in shame after the people in the cafe all looked at me. "Coffee, anyone? It's all on me. We're going to have very long night." 

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