Chapter 13: Friendzone sucks.

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Hermes' PoV

"Yeah it does sound impossible. Even when you turn the world upside down I will still be your bestfriend, and I'll try not to let my feelings get in our friendship's way." a pang of pain twitched inside me. I turned around and grinned at her. "Now eat up, skinny."

I walked outside and closed the door. Hell, how did I even manage to grin at her? It's frustrating, to be honest, that we had to stay this way : as friends. Also, she didn't even officially tell me that 'we should stay as friends.' but what did I do?

I friendzoned myself and fuck, it's just stupid.

Well, you know, I thought it would be better if we stayed as friends. Yhanie and Poseidon look adorable, and it's as if they're meant to be for each other. I thought Yhanie might need a shoulder to cry on someday, yeah?

And you know how boy PoVs are usually corny and cheesy as fuck? Well, I'm warning you, it will somehow end up like that.

But I'll try not to, but you can't stop me anyway.

"You talked to her?" I jumped in surprise as Athena grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the basement. "I like your surprises, though. It makes me die of shock."

"Just answer my question you dumb-headed lover boy." She winked. "So, what did she said?"

"Nothing." I answered.

Her eyes widened. "She didn't talk to you?"

"She did." I answered. "But she said nothing of the subject. She's either too speechless or because I babbled and babbled on about how we'll stay as friends and how my feelings won't get in our friendship's way. Shit like that."

"That is shit, Hermes." she facepalmed. "How -- How could you even do that to yourself? I went all the way to talk to her about thinking about you and her and you do this and -- Oh my god Hermes you are so fucking stupid!"

"It would be awkward if I wanted to be more than friends, anyway!" I told her. "And besides, she'd be better off with Poseidon. And when Poseidon makes her cry, she'd have a shoulder to cry on. I just wanted to be with her 'til the very end."

"You damn right know we won't be for her 'til the end." Athena said and stormed out of the room.

She's right. I told her. We won't be here for her forever. 

Yhanie's PoV

Welp, it's one of those nights again that I get to wake up in the middle of the night and there is 88.88 % chance I'll see Poseidon or Hermes awake and have a heartfelt conversation and shit my life is just darn predictable.

I put on a beanie and an oversized leather jacket because it's cold and I have plans on wandering the  yard again. I actually might end up in the apple tree again.

Barefoot, I felt the grass inbetween my toes and it felt nice. It's as if you're in the forest and you're free from all the problems and what's the connection anyway? I breathe in and started for the apple tree.

Hermes? I thought. I walked around the apple tree and he wasn't there, and I kind of wanted to talk with someone tonight. So I thought of walking to the pool. But he wasn't there. If you know who I mean.

I walk inside the kitchen and the utensil kind of made this noise that sent chills down my spine. "W--Who's there?"' I asked, grabbing a rolling pin. A rolling pin will do it, I'm just sure it would do me good. "Show yourself, who's there?"

"I should ask you the same question, intruder." I heard a voice from behind and I turn around. I didn't see his face because : 1) It was dark. 2) He suddenly grabbed me and pinned me to the refrigerator.

"What are your intentions, intruder?" he asked, threatening me with a knife at my neck. "Rape? Robbery? Murder?"

"What are you talking about? HELP!" I screeched and continously hit the guy in the back. "Ow! Ow! Ow! What the fuck is your problem?"

"YOU!" I yelled. I kicked his nuts and ran under the table. "HELP ME!"

"What the hell is going on here?" Hera said, switching the lights on. Zeus, Hermes, Poseidon, Aphrodite and Athena were behind her. "Yhanie, are you okay?"

"Someone was trying to kill me!" I screeched as Zeus and Poseidon supported me in standing. 

"Ares, did you see who it was?" Athena asked, and I looked at Ares who was dumbfounded. He had the knife in his hands. "I thought -- I -- I thought you were an intruder."

I looked at my clothes and I did look like someone who had bad intentions at life. "Oh. Sorry, my clothes --"

"You tried to kill her?" Hermes asked, furious. "You ungrateful twat! She sheltered us."

"No -- he just mistook me as an intruder, I dressed up like this and --" I defended Ares, but then he cut me off. "Ungrateful? I was on guard, just in case someone broke inside the house! And then I heard footsteps so I thought she was an intruder! I wanted to protect her and you guys and Vi -- And  you guys.." he said, blushing at the end.

"What's all the ruckus about?" Vicky asked, rubbing her eyes. "Geez, I had this awesome dream and you guys kind of disturbed me."

"Sorry, Vicky." Ares said, and stormed out and went to his room. "Are you okay, Yhanie?" Poseidon asked, holding my shoulders and looking at me up and down. "Nothing hurts?"

"Nothing." I said and slapped his hands off of me. "Zeus, i think you  should check on Ares. I kind off hit him hard with a rolling pin, uh, I don't know, a couple of times? I kicked his balls, too."

"Oh dear, we do need to check on him. Come along, Athena." Aphrodite said, nodding at Athena. "You guys should all  go back to your sleep, too." I said.





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