Chapter 15: The Sun and the Gorgon

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"Bye guys! Don't get too drunk and remember your powers!" I told the bunch as they got off the van. Yep, I have a van. I never thought this piece of junk would be convenient for me someday. Well, I never knew 7 people were going to enter my life in a sudden blast anyway. "Hey Yhanie, where are you going?" Hermes asked. "To the fortune teller." I answered.

"What? You're going there now?" He asked. "I'm coming with you!"

Just as he was about to hop on the van again, I shook my head furiously. "No! No, uh. I want to go there by myself? Yeah."

I don't want any god to know about what the oracle has to say. I want to be the first to know so I can regulate a plan for them. I want everything to be perfect for them. "You sure?" He asked. "Yeah I'm sure. Watch over them for me, yeah?"

"Sure." He smiled. "Bye Yhanie."

"Bye!" I said and closed the van. I ignited the engine and headed for the mall. "I really need to work on my lying skills."

"Yeah you do." I jumped in fright and stopped the van in the middle of the street. Amanda's house was far away from here. "Poseidon?" I asked. "What the hell are you doing here? Get off!"

"No can do." He laughed. "I'm coming with you."

"I don't need you on this." I rolled my eyes. I'm still mad at him for what he did to me. It was really.. bullshitty. Or is that even a word. "Yeah you do. You can't talk to her without me."


"The oracle won't talk to you as the oracle without someone who's... mythical?" He said. "If you're not mythical, she'll just be a fortune teller to you." He babbled. Oh. "You mean, she's an oracle if you're mythical, but a fortune teller if you're normal?"

"Yeah." He bounced his head like a bubble head. "And I'm mythical."

"Fine, whatever." I rolled my eyes and reignited the engine. "Just behave."


"So, where's that fortune teller of yours?" I asked Poseidon when he got through the 'scanning' of the security guards. Yeah, as if they really check people for any deadly weapon. "Got a bright idea?"

"I overheard Hera about something near Forever 21 or Wendy's." Poseidon said. Hmm. Please tell me he has this magical creature detector or something. "Can't you tell where they are?" I asked.

"No." He frowned, but his face lit up when he had a bright light bulb moment. "I know someone who can tell us, though. Let's go to the highest floor." He took my hand and dragged me to the nearest elevator. He punched the 4th floor button. Ugh. I hate the 4th floor. That's where most gadgets are being sold. Hence the name Cyberzone. And seeing gadgets makes me want to waste all my money on them. "Who this someone anyway and why do we have to go to the highest floor?"

We were alone in the elevator except for this little kid with a lollipop who kept staring at Poseidon. "Helios."


"The sun." He shrugged. "He sees everything. Don't you know about his son Phaeton's story?"

"Uh." I went through every mythical story in my brain for the names Phaeton and Helios. "Heard of it, don't remember it."

"It's about the chariots of fire." The little kid said. "Phaeton drove his daddy Helios' chariot but lost control of it and set everything on fire."

"Oh, now I remember." The elevator rang to the third floor and the kid got off. "That was so humiliating. Why don't I know about Helios?" I muttered and Poseidon chuckled. The elevator rang again and we got off to the fourth floor. "There, we can to talk to him there." He said and dragged me to the center of the floor, where a round, glass roof was and was showing off the afternoon sun. It was 4 in the afternoon.

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