Chapter 18: When You Love Someone

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After all of them returned to their own city, Kai immediately contacted Younghyun and told him about what happened to Jisung. Since Minho is the person who stayed by Jisung's side, they also asked him if he had witnessed any signs of self-harm or reckless behavior from Jisung. Minho told them about everything he knows.

"Jisung suffered just like us, so obviously, there would be a negative impact on his mental health. Therefore, I should've paid him enough attention," Younghyun said.

"The walls he built for himself are too thick and high, so I don't think it will be an easy process, but I agree that one of you should recommend him to go to therapy," Minho said.

"Don't be too hard on yourselves, and you guys are only a few years older than us. We should be relieved that we noticed it not too late, but I don't know how to tell him without offending him or making him feel that something is wrong with him," Kai said, looking worried.

"Leave that job to me, Kai. I will talk to him about seeing a psychologist. I need to go. Thanks for the drink, Minho."

"No problem, have a safe trip."

Kai waves her hand at Younghyun after he left. Then, Kai brings out a memory microchip from her bag and shows it to Minho.

"Do you have any idea how to use this thing?" Kai asked.

"Hmmm, maybe you need to insert it in a device like a laptop or your cellphone. It looks like an SD card."

"Yeah, I think so."

"Did you get it from Jisung?" Minho asked while still inspecting the item.


"Which one?"

"Huh?" Kai asked, confused.

Wait, does Minho knows about the existence of the other world-line's Jisung?


Minho interrupts her with a small smile, "That was the only reason I could think of when you acted that way during our trip to the resort. The first thing you did when you opened your eyes was to look for Jisung. That time you look so frightened and desperate. It's as if Jisung would vanish any moment. I asked myself how did she know that he was in danger, but then the Jisung from another dimension crossed my mind, and that is how I concluded that you are finally aware."

"I see. I only found out about it on my birthday. So what happened was really unbelievable, right?"

"Yeah, it is, but we shouldn't be so shocked about it because the universe is so vast. It is improbable that we are the only ones who exist."

"You're right. Minho, can I ask for a favor?"

"What is it?"

"I am kind of afraid with the content of this, so could you please help me figure out how to make it function and see it with me?"

"Of course, Kai. Lend me your phone," Minho said while reaching his hand out.

Kai places her phone on his palm. Minho turns it off and then opens its back. He puts in the SD card and then turns on the phone.

Minho opens the folder, and then they both see a file, "Should I click it for you?"

Kai nods. She can feel her heart beating hard against her chest due to anticipation. Finally, Minho does what she has asked. A video begins playing, and two persons she knows appear on the screen.

Kai gasps with wide eyes, Are my eyes playing tricks on me?

"This is an awkward talking to a camera," An old man said, and then he chuckles.

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