Chapter 10

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Everything happened so quickly. Chairs scraped back, officers yelled orders, forcefully pushing people to the ground if they hadn't already and people began swearing loudly in outrage.

James pulled me down, grabbing my elbow as I quickly dumped my plate into the sink, laying on the floor uncomfortably. I didn't know what was happening or why the police were barging in here unannounced, breaking open the front door.

"Are you deaf?!" Whoever barked sounded familiar and I glanced up. I had met Chief Scott Michaels very briefly in the police station when Dad went missing. Seth had almost been intolerable that day and I went down to the station, desperately inquiring for information to appease my brother when Chief Michaels was walking out of his office. He noticed how distressed I was and reassured me that they were doing everything they could to look for Dad.

Chief Michaels looked to be around 48 years of age. He had thinning grey-black hair and thick eyebrows that hung down over his dark mud-brown eyes. He was a tall man and currently he was glaring at Charlie.

"Hey, man, let me turn--"

"I said, get down!"

"And I'm telling you to wait. I'm not having this house burnt down because of you." Stubbornly, his jaw set, Charlie set the frying pan aside, twisting the knob and turning off the gas cooker.

Chief Michaels whipped out his gun, jamming it into Charlie's chest. He spat, his face similar to a bulldog. "Get down, son."

"I'm going, father." Charlie couldn't help but retort mockingly, dropping to his knees.

"Is there a reason you've decided to visit us, Chief? It's great to see your face again but you've got to stop kicking down our doors." Cole remarked icily from where he was on the floor besides Jess.

"Search the house," Chief Michaels commanded to his men who scurried off, nodding. "Mosley, Rodgers, search them."

"Oh, I'm not having those fat bastards touch me," Jess wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Chief Michaels stomped over to her, bending down in her face and snapped. "Start with this one first."

Cole got up, his face set darkly. "How about you tell me why you're here before you lay a hand on anyone. Start recording, Irvin."

Irvin held up his phone directly at Chief Michaels. "I'm already on it."

"We've got intelligence that there's been an activity of illegal substance use in this premise."

"Same intelligence you got last month? That turned out to be bullshit, didn't it?"

"I wouldn't advice you to point that camera at me, son," Chief Michaels warningly glowered at Irvin.

"Is that a threat, I hear, sir?" Irvin asked, feigning innocence. "I'm fearing for my life."

"Get up," Mosley or Rodgers demanded at Doriano.

"I'm wearing a t-shirt and boxers. What exactly am I supposed to be hiding and where?" Doriano said tiredly, rolling his eyes. He held out his arms, snapping. "Mind where you put those hands. Last time one of you freaks copped a feel of my cock."

"Watch your tongue, boy."

"I'm a thirty-three years old man. That badge doesn't make you blind, does it?" Doriano narrowed his eyes as the police officer patted down his legs.

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