Chapter 18 : Finale

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Narrator's POV

"Okay, how do I turn this off?" Jeongyeon glanced around her phone screen and finally found the button to end the Vlive.

During their first week of promotions for their new album, fans had started to worry and comment on the fact that Jeongyeon never had a fan cam released. The situation got to Twitter and the whole fandom had started to accused SBS and Mnet for the lack of uploading. Jeongyeon felt guilty because it technically was her request for it not to be put out so she had to come out and say something; the Vlive.

She explained that while the group were practicing for the comeback, she had felt neck pain as well as numbness all the way to her ears. She decided to go get it checked out and turns out she had a herniated disk. She was requested to wear a neck guard as well as a waist guard to at least maintain her posture and prevent further injuries. The members were concerned as they thought the injury was related to the accident a few months ago, but it was just due to bad posture and repeated vigorous movements.

"The fans were nice." Seungyeon commented as she entered the room.

"When are they not?"

"Good point."

Seungyeon went to sit beside her younger sister, leaning against the wall.

"Your promotions in Japan are to begin after the korean promotions am I right?"

Jeongyeon nodded.

"Yeah. Why?"

"This will be the first time since the accident you'll be away from Korea."

"Unnie, it's just Japan."

"I'm just worried."

"Thank you for worrying, but I'll be fine. It'll be pretty quick."

Ever since Jeongyeon was involved in two accidents, Seungyeon's care for her sister had grew. Not that it wasn't there before, but it was a lot more this time round. Having almost lost her sister twice had taken a big toll on her. That's why she's been up to date with Jeongyeon's schedules as well as making sure she's taking care of herself. It was normal sisterly care and Jeongyeon appreciated that.

"Wait," Jeongyeon sat up and looked at her sister, "I never shared with you my promotion schedule."

Seungyeon smiled sheepishly.

"Your manager sent it to me. I asked him to. I just wanted to see what you were doing."

Jeongyeon smiled slightly and leaned back against the wall, head on her sister's shoulder.

"Thank you."


"Taking care of me. Mom and Dad were always busy, but we had Grandmom. After she passed, you were there to take care of me as well as Seo Yeon."

"You both are my younger sisters. I had to do my part as the older one."

"But sometimes I feel like I'm the older one."

"Eh, what are you saying?"

"Let me remind you of what happened earlier today, 'It' s alive. Jeongyeon. Please come.' You had me come down all the way to your house, just because there was a bug."

Seungyeon lightly shoved Jeongyeon.

"That thing was huge! You even admitted it was digusting."

"It was disgusting but it wasn't intimidating. But on a serious note," Jeongyeon paused and looked at her sister in the eye, "You have to know how to kill bugs. When I'm in Japan, I won't be able to help you anymore."

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