Chapter 10

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Narrator's POV

It has been about a few more days and Jeongyeon's doctor had decided she had no more of a reason to stay admitted in the hospital, so he ordered her to be discharged. However, she still needed to go back once more for a checkup on one of her operated eye as well as operating on the other. The eyesight on the other eye was a jumble. Sometimes it was clear, and then it would be blurry or totally black. Jeongyeon wished it was just black as everytime it changes her head hurts. A lot.

Her parents were signing the papers outside of her room at the registration counter while Seungyeon was helping Jeongyeon walk out her hospital room. She was already dressed in comfortable clothes, one where she could easily slip on due to the huge white cast still on her leg - which was meant to be removed during their next checkup.

"Can we make one stop before we leave?" Jeongyeon asked.

"There's not much in the hospital. But sure. Where do you want to go?"

"I want to visit a friend. She's on the floor below us."

Seungyeon told her parents and they agreed. She guided Jeongyeon to the elevators to head down to the lower floor.

"So, when did you meet this friend?"

"During one of my therapy sessions. She should be discharging today as well."


"Yeah. I also have something to tell her."

"What about?"

They were already walking along the hallway. Jeongyeon didn't know her room number, so she asked Seungyeon to ask one of the nurses.

The nurse who was previously checking information on a computer behind the desk, was extremely shocked to see THE Yoo Jeongyeon and THE Gong Seungyeon infront of her. Jeongyeon was a hot topic in the hospital so every staff basically basically knew her and hoped they would talk to her at least once during her admittance. Let's just say this nurse was very lucky she came in to work today.

"Hi, could you tell me where Lee Eunha's room is? We want to visit her for a while."

The nurse complied immediately.

"She's in room 326. Down the hall, three rooms down."

"Ah, thank you."

Seungyeon bowed politely and guided Jeongyeon towards the door. She nodded lightly, and walked in. Eunha could be seen on the bed reading a book. Seungyeon had to admit she was very beautiful. Almost as if she was an idol.

Eunha noticed the presence and looked up, surprised to see Jeongyeon standing there with her sister.


"Hey. I came to visit before I leave."

"Did you have surgery?"

"Uh yeah. I can't see anything right now. At all."

"Ouch. I'm being discharged too soon."

"Yeah so funny story, JYP was in my room a few days ago and he invited me to his entertainment building for a day. He said I could bring a friend so I wanna bring you."

Eunha's eyebrow raised in surprise looking at Seungyeon who was surprised herself.

"I-i mean sure."

"Nice. You'll be my walking stick." Jeongyeon joked.

"Eh, I get to walk in to see JYP so... I don't mind."

"I'm kidding. Although I might really need your help though."

"Yeah of course."

Jeongyeon nodded in excitement and took out her phone from her pocket.

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