Chapter 6

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Chaeyoung's POV

I'm at the hospital again, but for a different reason. I had to pick up medicine for my mom since she wasn't feeling well. We didn't have schedules today so I was at my own schedule.

I managed to pick up the medicine from the pharmacy floor and was going to leave the hospital. But when I exited the door, I accidentally bumped into someone, causing me to drop the meds. No one fell but I was afraid that the person might recognize me and create a scene. But as I reached down to take the pill, I saw the person had a cast on their left leg. Then the person spoke.

"Crap, sorry."

I froze and stood up immediately. It was Jeongyeon. I widened my eyes and slowly brought my face mask down.

"Uhm did I really scare you? I'm really sorry I can buy new meds if you'd like."

"No. That won't be necessary. It's just pills. U-uhm did I hurt you?"

"Oh, no. I'm just having a therapy session."

A nurse came running in our direction and called Jeongyeon's name.

"Jeongyeon I literally left you for one minute and you're already causing trouble."

I recognized the nurse. She was the one who had brought us to Jeongyeon's room that night. She recognized me and signalled me to put my mask on but I shook my head.

"It wasn't her fault. I bumped into her" Jeongyeon explained.

"Doesn't matter. Let's just get you back into bed."

"Okay. Sorry for bumping into you." Jeongyeon told me and walked into the hospital.

The nurse turned to me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked me.

I raised the bag of meds I had in my hands.

"Had to pick up these for my mom. I didn't think she would be walking around."

"It was her therapy session. The doctor requested her to walk around for at least 20 minutes."

"At least she didn't remember me. I mean she was literally staring at my face." I said.

"I'm sorry Chaeyoung. I guess she hit her head really hard."

"It's just a matter of waiting, really."

"She'll get to it eventually. She seems very tempted to get her memory back." she patted my back.

"I have to get these to my mom. I'll see you around."

She nodded and walked back into the hospital. I placed my mask back on and left the hospital compound.


"Hey mom." I greeted as I walked in the house.

"Ahh, Chaeyoung thank you for picking up my medicine."

"Anything for you."

"How is Jeongyeon? Did you manage to see her?"

"S-she's uhm fine. I haven't seen her since yesterday."

"I should see her soon. I miss that girl. She was like your sister."

"She wasn't like my sister. She WAS my sister."

"I'm sorry Chaeyoung. I know it hurts."

"It does. It really d-does."

I just really want my sister and best friend back.

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