Chapter 8

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Narrator's POV

On that same night, Jeongyeon was thrashing around on the hospital bed. In Jeongyeon's mind, the image of oncoming cars rushing in her direction while she was driving invaded her thoughts. The car she as in kept crashing into a tree and the whole scene would play over and over again. This was mentally draining her. She was sweating and her body temperature was going up. She tried to leave this horrific scenario but she just couldn't open her eyes.

"Jeongyeon? Jeongyeon. Wake up."

Jeongyeon jolted awake and sat up. The nurse was standing next to her and holding a tablet, entering information for her report.

"You looked like you were having a nightmare." The nurse stated.

"U-uh. Yeah."

"You okay? Do you need anything?"

"Could I just have water? My throat's a little dry."

"Of course."

The nurse walked to mini kitchen space in the room and opened the fridge for a new bottle of water. She walked back and handed the bottle to her.

"You will be having another leg therapy session today but it might be done at the gym. It was reported it was going to rain today so you can't go out."

"Okay. How long do I have left of the sessions?"

"You seem to be progressing really well so no longer than a week."


The nurse smiled, and proceeded to inject in the new batch of nutrient medicine in her IV. Jeongyeon grabbed her phone from the side table and started to go online. She didn't really have anyone to text since she couldn't remember any specific person who was close to her besides her family members.

When the nurse was done, she left the room for Jeongyeon to rest a little longer. Jeongyeon placed down her phone and just laid back in a sitting position admiring of the waking city. Across the hospital, there was a building that had billboards promoting brands or displaying idols of interest. One of the slides came on, and it was a picture of Momo wearing clothing from the latest collection of a brand that TWICE had recently had a photo shoot with. Jeongyeon tilted her head and looked a little closer.

"She looks familiar." Jeongyeon muttered.

She focused a little bit more, but couldn't put a finger on it.

"Hm, maybe I just saw her online. She seems famous after all."


"Alright Jeongyeon, you'll be on the treadmill for 5 minutes today. Only on the 3rd speed."

"5 minutes?!"

"Do you want to leave the hospital or not?"

"Ah, yes. Treadmill it is."

A nurse guided Jeongyeon to the treadmill then She told her she could arrange the setting herself. The nurse nodded and left her to do the session. Jeongyeon was a few minutes into her session, when another patient used the treadmill next to hers.

"Hey, you're Yoo Jeongyeon right?" she asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"You're famous around the hospital."

"Oh? What's your name?"

"Eunha. Lee Eunha."

"Nice to meet you. I see you're in a similiar situation like me." Jeongyeon replied.

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