Chapter 3

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Narrator's POV

It had been a busy and tiring night for everyone in the dorm. Barely any of them got proper rest as they thought about Jeongyeon the whole night. It was already confirmed that she was the passenger who was most injured, and worse of of all, they don't even know what's happening in the hospital. Visiting hours were over and only people close to her could stay. In this case, it was their manager who was in the car, as he was being treated in the same hospital.

Obviously, all 8 of them couldn't pile up in the emergency room, as they still had a reputation and face to carry. Despite the disappointments, the girls accepted it and went to bed for some sleep at least to keep them awake for the next day.

The next day has arrived and JYP had already organized a meeting with the rest of the members for future plans and for their opinions. They would head to the hospital together after to see Jeongyeon.

"Couldn't the meeting with him wait?" Mina asked Sana as they got ready.

Sana shrugged.

"I guess he wanted to go together. And maybe dicuss other things with Jeongyeon when we get there"

"How do we even know if she's awake?"

"We don't. We don't know what's happening, which is total horse crap. But all we can do is just believe."

Sana had just finished combing her hair and Mina grabbed her bag and they left the room together. After everyone had gotten ready, surprisingly faster than most of the other ordinary days, they headed out to the building.


"Don't mean to be rude, Pd-nim but shouldn't we be somewhere else?"

"I know, I know. You want to go to the hospital. Her parents and sister are already there when she wakes up."

"She's alive?!" Momo exclaimed.

"Yes. She made it out of the overnight surgery. She might not even wake up until this afternoon."

"And you didn't bother to tell us? We all barely had any sleep because we thought our  member was going to die!"

"Calm down, Nayeon please. I understand you aren't happy with the situation. None of us are. But this is why I wanted the meeting before we go. I want to know what happened last night, before she left."

JYP had his hands intertwined, with his elbows on the table examining the girls. He knew what may have led to her leaving, but he wanted to double check.

"Nothing serious happened, Pd nim" Sana replied. Hoping they didn't have to explain the fight.

JYP thought that maybe asking them to explain isn't the best idea at their state, so he decided to speak what he knew.

"Jeongyeon came to me a few weeks ago, crying. She had talked about quitting the industry and wanting to live a normal life at home with privacy. Of course, with upcoming promotions and comebacks, I said no. She didn't fight back, although she brought up something. She said that if one more bad thing happens, that's her last straw and she will be ending her contract despite what I say. So I'll ask once again. Do you know anything that happened, that may have led her to drive to the building late at night? "

No one wanted to speak. They were afraid that JYP would put the blame on them for what happened and totally suspend them. But at this point, they've realised that maybe for the sake of their member it's worth sacrificing a few things.

"We had a fight." Nayeon muttered.

JYP leaned back into his chair and folded his arms.

"I suppose this wasn't like any of your previous fights?"

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