20. I guess its goodbye

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I guess it's goodbye

Melvin watched in amazement as colourful white and gold light moved from the laying body to the woman who he hated the most in this world. Yes. He hated her. For ruining his life and making him her slave.

Melvin wasn't what people actually thought he was. He was a good loving man. He loved to help others, build communities and improve the world. That's what he did on a daily basis with his money and riches. Well that was until he met the evil witch before him.

It was his fault. He believed her words and trusted her but she tricked him and now he was a slave to her for all eternity. He accepted his fate. He hoped by some miracle he would die one day. By her hand and by some accident. That's all he wanted. For now he had no choice but to be her puppet.

But seeing how he tormented this particular soul broke his heart. From the first time he had watched alongside her how she had cursed the vampire prince his heart felt something for the first time in a long time.

Because he had sold his soul he had become and emotionless zombie that just followed orders. But when he witnessed the vampire prince cry for his mate to never leave him he felt something in his heart for the first time since he lost his soul. He saw himself. How he had begged the wife he sacrificed everything for not to leave him but she didn't give him a second glance. But that wasn't the case for Chanyeol. He loved Baekkie but what he felt for his mate was real. But it was being taken away from both of them and Melvin couldn't bear to watch.

This is why when he finally saw a beam of purple light opening a portal he made his move. He had been given a dagger by the evil witch which he had used to kill witches of her choice every single day. She was a killer and anyone who seemed stronger than her or threatened her existence should be killed by it. It was charmed and an effective tool to kill a witch. It had vampire blood on it as well as other several poisons that were fatal.

That was the very dagger he used to stab his master from behind. She screamed in pain breaking the connection she had to Baekhyuns body.

Melvin's POV

My body was flung into the air as I crashed into the ceiling, before gravity took me back down where I felt the tiles break from the impact of my fall. I could feel the anger from her in waves as she stood over my body but my main focus was on the body on the stone table. When I saw him breath out a mist of air I smiled. I knew my death would not be in vain and my life ended with a good deed.

Authors POV

As soon as Luhan, Sehun, Yixing, Baekkie, Kris and Chen walked out of the portal they were shocked by the scene before them.

But before they could do anything else Taeyeon had burnt the man who had stabbed her to ashes.
"You traitor" she screamed in anger. While she was negligent0¹ Luhan jumped into action. He cast a spell that threw the other witches away from Baekhyun's body. Chen, Yixing, Kris and Sehun took care of them before they even got back up.

Taeyeon realised too late what was happening but felt weak as the poison from her special made dagger spread in her blood stream. She didn't have any time left but she figured if she could transfer her would into another vessel before she dies then she will be safe.

"Don't even think about it" as if Luhan read her mind and used a spell to bind her weak body to the ground. By the way her eyes bulged out in shock she was afraid when she realised Luhan was still alive. He smirked, "Ohhh... Look at the big bad witch. Dying from her own creation. I have first hand experience on how that shit hurts. Too bad you don't have a mate to save you like I had. I guess it's goodbye. Don't worry. I will make this as painful as possible b*tch" Luhan began to chant a spell with a wicked grin.

Next thing they heard was the evil witches screams before her body went limp. As soon as she died Baekkie ran for her brother while Sehun. Checked on his master.

"Baek wake up" Baekkie said as soon as she realised he had a pulse, "Ch...Chan... Chanyeol" he barely whispered but they heard.

"He is okay Baek. That stupid witch is dead" Baekkie reassured him but Baek struggled to move even if it was hard.

"No... She.... Spell... On him... He can't awake... True loves... Kiss" Baekhyun tried his best to get up but was too weak.

"Baek you're weak calm down" Baekkie begged but he wouldn't listen.

"Have to.... Save... Chan... Yeol.... Please" he kept struggling.

"Wait listen to what he is saying. I think he needs to get to Chanyeol" Yixing said.

"I heard it too. She put a spell on him so he can't wake up. Something like true loves..." It suddenly made sense to Luhan, "Its a sleeping spell that can only be broken by true loves kiss"

"Like snow white" Baekkie asked in shock, "Like for real"

"No time. Take Baek to him now" Yixing demanded. The way Baekhyun kept pushing made him anxious for some reason but he tried his best not to worry too much. He wanted to heal the male but he kept pushing to get to his mate first.

They lay the vampire princes body next to Baekhyuns. The human male didn't hesitate to lay his lips on the vampires. It felt like an eternity but it was only a few seconds before he separated their lips. Slowely but surely Chanyeols eyes opened to look right into the eyes of his true love. His mate.

"I love you" Baekhyun whispered but before more could be said his body collapsed on the other as his heart stopped.



That was so hard to write. Next chapter is the final chapter.

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