16. They are coming

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They are coming

"Yixing" Chanyeol broke the silence since everyone was frozen in shock.
"You know him?" Baek asked still a bit shook from the incident.
"Yes. The only witch I had an encounter with when I once got desperate" Chanyeol said ordering Sehun to check if the man was okay.

"Still alive but very weak. The blood isn't his but its clear he was in a big fight. I wouldn't be shocked if he is bruised because I can see some visible swelling. Luhan baby please clean him up" Sehun said after making sure the injured witch was alive.

Luhan chanted a spell and soon the man on the ground was clean of blood and dirt. The witch kept chanting and they could visibly see his injuries healing as well.

"Lay?" Baekhyun said in shock.
"You know him?" Chanyeol seemed a bit surprised.
"I'm not totally clueless about the supernatural world. I have always been interested. Anyway my mom was dying of sickness and so a werewolf friend told me about a good witch who could help us. That's how I met him. He is also the one who told me about you" The vampire nodded in understanding but before more words could be spoken they heard a loud groan from the injured witch.

They had moved him to the couch where it would be more comfortable. Yixing finally opened his eyes after some struggling but looked perfectly fine now. They assumed he might have had internal injuries that might take some time to heal.

"Your...highness" he said as he sat up in a panic but got dizzy but Sehun held him and helped him get steady.
"Slow down. Give your body time to fully heal" the vampire prince advised.

"No... There isn't time... They are coming... They..." His words were come off by violent banging on the door. Everyone went silent until they heard an unexpected voice.

"PARK CHANYEOL YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DOOR BEFORE I BREAK IT DOWN" Baekkie screamed in anger but honestly sounded more like an angry squirrel complaining about stolen nuts. Either way everyone calmed down and Baek rushed to open the door.

"Hey sis. What are yo..."
"WHERE THE HELL IS HE?" She lashed out as she pushed her brother out of the way ignoring his words and walking straight to Chanyeol after finding him in the lounge with everyone else, with Kyungie on her tail.

"WHAT THE HELL DO..." She was temporarily distracted by the vampires abs before her best friend knocked on her shoulder making her snap out of it, "oh... I mean... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING? I KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I WILL NOT ALLOW YOU TO TAKE MY BROTHER AWAY FROM ME...and TELL YOUR WEREWOLF FRIENDS TO BRING BACK MY OTHER TWO FRIENDS OR I WILL PUT A STAKE INTO YOUR HEART AND END YOU" Chanyeol looked at her for a few seconds before releasing a deep sigh.

"Baekkie" he said as he took a step closer to her and caressed her cheek visibly calming her down, "First of all your friends are safe. If you know that Kris and Chen are werewolves then you know how werewolves are with their mates. That's one thing humans got right in their books. Your friends are in safe hands and you can visit them anytime if you want to make sure. If you know who I am then you know I am a vampire but I assure you I mean your brother no harm as he is my mate. Hurting him will be like killing myself"

"But loving him will kill him as well" she had calmed down now but instead of anger he eyes held sadness, "I can't lose him. I have known so long the day would come and prayed everyday he would never meet you but..." She was chocked by her own tears breaking down but felt hands wrap around her body.

"Big sis please don't cry. I know the risks but... I'm willing to be with him even if it means losing my life. I know that my existence was a mistake but finally whatever curse was placed upon you both can finally be broken and you can finally live your life the way it was intended" Baekhyun said hugging his sister even tighter.

"Baek don't speak like that. I won't allow..."
"Chanyeol it's okay. I have always known I would die one day. It's sooner that expected but it was inevitable. Now I know the real reason it all happened at least I know my death will not be in vain"

"No little brother there has to be a way we can save you. I can't lose you. Whether you were meant to live or not I can't lose you" Baekkie held him tighter as well.

"He is right. If the curse dies with him it loses its power whether Chanyeol loves him or not" Luhan said as he realised it as well.
"Baekhyun has to die to kill the curse" Yixing added with a frown, "it's the only we you both can finally free"

"How can I be free if I lose my soulmate. If the curse breaks then I have no guarantee I would ever see him again like I did with Baekkie" Chanyeol said in distress. He couldn't lose Baek. Not just when he got him.

"Sorry what do you mean?" Baekkie said giving them a confused look along with Kyungie.

"It seems we have some explaining to do" Luhan said.

"And preparation" Yixing added but everyone gave him a confused look, "She knows you messed with her curse and she is coming after you all. She wants to kill Luhan and Baekhyun and fix her curse. I barely made it out alive and all I did was cast a protection spell. She's out for blood and she is killing everything in her way"


Drama is about to happen? What can they do to fix everything? For the curse to break Baek has to die before the evil witch gets her hands on him but on the other hand no one wants him to die. What can they do to save Baek but still break the curse?

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