5. What did you do?

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"Why do you look so down today?" Sehun asked his master as soon as he arrived at the mansion.

"I met Baekkie today" Chanyeol responded sounding even more depressed.

"That's good news. I know you were looking forward to seeing her again since the last...after all these years" Sehun chose his words wisely. He knew how his master felt every time he lost Baekkie.

"I was happy to see her until i discovered they were two of them. She has a twin brother which has never happened before. The crazy thing is that he might be a guy but they are identical twins. This is crazy" Chanyeol explained even though he still couldn't believe what he had seen with his own two eyes.

"Well about that" Sehun said giving his master a wide smile.

"WHAT DID YOU DO THIS TIME" Sehun knew he was in deep trouble.

A few hours later.

Sehun and Luhan had settled on the same sofa in the lounge. Chanyeol sat across from them. They had all been quiet as soon as Luhan arrived.

Chanyeol had his face buried in his hands trying to make sense of what Sehun had told him.

He knew no good would come from Sehun associating himself with witches but he was as stubborn as a mule.

Now look where his rash decisions and 'bright ideas' had brought them.

Sehun turned to face his boyfriend for comfort but in return he got daggers targeted right at him.

If looks could kill he would definitely be six feet under by now. Luhan was mad he had told Chanyeol what they had done.

The plan was to observe and see if his spell had made any effect and if they could save Baekkie without getting Chanyeol involved but the idiot couldn't help but blow his horn.

Luhan knew how the master vampire felt about witches and would have preferred if they had never met in person.

"It's really not that bad..." Sehun just had to go and open his mouth without checking in with his brain first.

"Not that bad...NOT THAT BAD. BECAUSE OF SOME BULLSHIT SPELL YOUR SO CALLED LOVER CAST BAEKKIE HAS BEEN SPLIT IN TWO. HOW IS THAT NOT BAD" Chanyeol lashed out in anger as he glared at Sehun with red eyes filled with rage.

Sehun had lived long enough with his master to know that red eyes were bad news. Chanyeol was pissed.

"ITS NOT A BULLSHIT SPELL" Luhan also lashed out due to his pride.

He worked really hard on that spell and did not accept criticism, but when Chanyeol turned his glare to him he soon regretted his decision.

"Oh really. So explain how your spell worked and I might rethink ripping your throat out. It's been a while since I had witches blood" Chanyeol was very popular in the supernatural world and because of his history Luhan knew he wasn't joking. Another reason he never wanted to meet the vampire.

"W-well..." Luhan took a deep breath to try and relax because then look Chanyeol gave him was deadly.

"I couldn't break the curse. N-no one can. It's impossible. I even told this to Sehun over and over again...but I had an idea" Luhan was relieved the words came out.

"Which was?" Chanyeol asked through gritted teeth. He was not really making it any easier for Luhan as his huge sharp fangs flashed under the light.

"W-we couldn't break the curse but that doesn't mean we can't transfer it. I know it's terrible to place this burden on another person but it was the only way we could somehow save Baekkie" Luhan explained.

"What does this mean?" Chanyeol asked and looked a bit more relaxed than before. So far so good.

"It means if my spelled worked, which I'm very confident it did, Baekkie no longer carries the curse but her twin brother carries it instead" Luhan said.

"Does this mean he is going to die in her place?" Chanyeol asked. He was happy Baekkie might make it this time but thinking something terrible might happen to her brother did not sit well with him.

"Not exactly. The Curse carries a short lived love which will always end in inevitable death. If Baekkie doesn't carry the curse anymore that means you're free to love her with no more fears. Baekhyun might carry the curse but because he is not the one you love death will not be triggered. The curse is still there but as long as you don't fall in love with him he won't die. This means both twins get to live a full life and if this works then curse will end with Baekhyun" Luhan was pretty happy how good the ending sounds.

"I thought you said the curse can't be broken. How does it then end with Baekhyun?" Chanyeol asked still a bit confused about the whole thing.

"It won't be broken. It will just fizzle out because it's of no use if it does not fulfill it's purpose" Luhan said and Chanyeol nodded in response all anger gone. At least Luhan will now live to see another day.

"You said IF your spell worked then all is well. What happens if things don't go as planned?" Chanyeol asked in a calm tone. He had to be prepared for all possible outcomes because what is done has been done. There is no turning back now.

"The worst that could happen is that Baekkie can still die but because she does not carry the curse anymore she will not be reincarnated again. Which means you will never see her again...This would be the last time" Luhan did not like the way Chanyeol's eyes kept flickering between red and black. Definitely a bad sign.

Soon he shut his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened them they were back to normal.

"Okay. From now on Luhan will live here. Since you are the masterminds who decided to alter my life I need you two here to monitor and keep the situation stable. Also I need you close so that when you mess up I don't have to hunt you down to kill you. So if you will excuse me I'm going to bed so that I can stay up all night thinking about this mess" Chanyeol said before he stood up and headed upstairs.

"Chanyeol" Luhan called his name and he turned to face him with a tired expression.

"Make sure you don't fall in love with Baekhyun. If you do then we all lose."


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Will Chanyeol and Baekkie finally have a happy ending?

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