1. Won't or can't?

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"I refuse and that's final. Your master hates me already and I don't want to give him more reason to despise me" Luhan looked away with a frown.

He knew if he looked his lover In the eyes he would do anything for him.

He needed to stand his ground and be firm.

Chanyeol hated witches and had every right to considering that a witch single handedly ruined his love life for an eternity.

Luhan actually felt sorry for the vampire prince but wasn't willing to get murdered even if he was trying to help.

"I love you and if you do this one thing for me he will love you too" Sehun begged in response.

Sehun had been begging Luhan for I don't know how long now just to get him to help solve his masters problem.

Or should we say curse.

Every curse had a solution but this specific one didn't seem like there was a loophole.

"No Sehun that's final. I won't do it" Luhan was now getting frustrated.

He just wanted Sehun to drop the issue but he was being crazy stubborn.

"Won't or can't?" Sehun asked as he poked his lovers pride.

Drastic times call for drastic measures. He had a front seat view of Chanyeol's love life and it wasn't a pretty sight.

He had watched time and time again as Chanyeol met his soul mate Baekkie, the joy that came along with their love until the day he lost her and the grief that would overcome him.

Chanyeol had tried everything. He tried 24hour protection, different methods all the time to ensure her safety but nothing ever worked.

He even tried avoiding her but fate would always bring them together. He tried so much more but the end was always inevitable.

Death was always her destination.

She never made it to her 21st birthday. Then he would wait for her again and when they meet the cycle would continue the same way.

Chanyeol refused to seek the help of witches because he did not trust them and hated them with a passion.

Sehun was tired of watching his master and best friend suffer and so if Luhan could help then he was going to convince him even if it meant poking his pride.

"WHAT?" Luhan responded in shock.

"Its okay babe. I understand that not all witches are powerful enough for this. It won't change the way I feel about you and..."

"Not powerful enough?" Luhan lashed out cutting him off.

Sehun put on his famous poker face as Luhan fell into his trap.

"I'll have you know that I cast my first spell when I was 3years old. A normal witch only casts their first successful spell at 6 years at least. No one even dares to cross me because they know that I might be small but when I explode erupt like a volcano I wipe everything out like molten larvae. When there's a big problem they all come to me for help" Luhan took a deep breath before giving his lover the 'do you really think that low of me' glare.

"Are you saying you can help?" Sehun responded choosing his words wisely.

"I'm the best of the best. Of course I can help" Luhan said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"So you can break the curse?" Sehun finally smiled but Luhan's silence got him worried.

"You can right?" He asked again.

"Well...I can't break the curse. No one can" Sehun's face immediately fell and it broke his lovers heart.

"But...it doesn't mean nothing can be done" Luhan said and Sehun looked at him with hope in his eyes.

"You will need to get me personal belongings of Chanyeol and Baekkie and a few other things. We only have one shot at this" he explained.

"What are you going to do?" Sehun asked now filled with excitement.

"I have a plan. It's crazy but it just might work"


What do you think Luhan is going to do?

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What do you think Luhan is going to do?

Do you think his plan to save Chanyeol's precious Baekkie will succeed?

Will Chanyeol lose Baekkie all over again?

Edited 25-02-18

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