17. Revelations

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"So you're telling me... We have been lovers for centuries"
"Yes" Chanyeol responded causing the young woman to blush and her brother beside him to feel slight displeasure at the fact.
Even if he now knew he was the vampires mate there was still a part of him that was jealous that he had loved another from the beginning. A part of him was still feeling like he still loved her.

'I love you more' he said through their mind link as he held Baek's hand.
'But you still love her'
'Yes I do' his heart sank, 'But compared to what I feel for you what I feel for her is just a speck of dust. I can never feel this way for another or be with another willingly. My heart, body and soul only belong to you' at this point Baekhyun was blushing and smiling like a school girl before remembering they were in a room filled with people and blushing even more in embarrassment.

The supernaturals gave them knowing looks because they knew the couple had been skeaping through their mind link.

"But now..." Kyungie was the one speaking this time, "...this curse on you two has...been changed and put on Baekhyun"

"The plan was to put the curse in another vessel. This way Chanyeol and Baekkie could finally be free and live a full life together" Luhan added.

"But no one could have imagined that I would have ended up as Chanyeols mate. But I have to die so that this curse can finally be broken" Baek added with a frown and Chanyeol tightened his grip on his hand.

"You're not dying. I won't allow it"
"But I have to"
"NO" Chanyeol lashed out scaring everyone in the room, "I'm sorry. I need a minute" he said before he stood up and left the room. Baekhyun didn't hesitate to follow him and they let the couple be.

"How do you feel about all this?" Tao broke the silence. The werewolves and their mates had arrived as soon as they had heard about what was happening and the impending danger coming for their friends.

"I don't know. The way I have never really believed in all this supernatural stuff until a which gave us that potion that saved mom. I have been cursed and been reincarnated over and over again just to fall in love with the same man and die. I had no idea. What more Chanyeol... Who had to remember every single thing that happened and live with it. I'm just hearing about it but he has all the memories engraved in his mind" she closed her eyes and seemed to be deep in thought, "Is there no way to save my brother?"

"No. I'm sorry. This is the only way to break the curse" Luhan responded with a frown. He also didn't want Baekhyun to die. He was the princes mate. It was going to be 1000 times worse for the vampire to lose his mate. He had the most to lose out of everyone in the house. Chanyeol would surely die if he lost his mate. Because the pain of losing a mate is unbearable. Baekhyun wasn't meant to exist but now no one wanted to lose him. That's how important he was.

"I don't care about the stupid curse. Put it back in me and save my baby brother" Baekkie burst into tears. Kyungie and Xiumin held her close as they comforted her.


"Chanyeol..." Baekhyun found the vampire sitting in the loveseat in his bedroom with his elbows on his knees, face buried in his hands.
He kneeled in front on the man and got in between his knees forcing his hands apart to reveal his face.

He was shocked when he saw blood in the man's face. He wasn't injured but if was far worse that that. Baelhyun couldn't bare to see his big strong vampire mate crying.

"Chanyeol I..." it was more of a whisper as the male lost his voice.
"I can't... I can't do this baby... I love you so much... I can't lose you forever. I would die if I lost you. Baby please don't leave me" Chanyeols voice was broken. He sounded like he had lost all hope as he continued to beg his love not to leave him.

"I'm not... I'm not going anywhere my love. I'm right here with you. I won't leave you. We will figure this out" Baekhyun said as he kissed his mate. Pouring all his emotion into that one act. Such Chanyeol could taste it. Wait.

He tried to open his eyes but suddenly felt dizzy. Before he passed out he saw a face he had not seen in centuries.
"Good night my prince. I promise it will be over before you wake up" and then everything went blank.


Baekhyun had settled outside the bedroom door. He wasn't sure if he should enter or give Chanyeol some space. He could feel the vampires pain and despair through their bond. He wanted to comfort him but at the same time he wasn't sure if he could.

Baekhyun loved his mate with all his heart buy he knew for Chanyeol to be free of this curse he needed to die. He was willing to sacrifice himself for his mate but on the other hand he couldn't bear being apart from him as well. If this is how he felt now how would Chanyeol feel if he died. He already felt like dying at the thought of never seeing the vampire again.

He almost walked away before feeling a sudden flash of panic and fear. That was not him. He had no reason to feel that way... Which meant it was his mate.

He quickly opened the bedroom door to find Chanyeol unconscious on the loveseat with a woman sitting next to him as he caressed his cheek.

"You better watch your tongue mortal. Your existence has been a real thorn in my side. We can't allow that can we" she said with a smirk as realisation dawned on Baekhyun who this woman was. But before he could move something covered his face. He struggled but soon the chloroform did it's job as became limp in Melvins arms.


This is not good. What do you think will happen next? Will they be able to save the vampire and his mate? What can be done?

Cursed (COMPLETED)✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora