Levi x Reader - Underground (pt 2)

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Levi's POV
I was walking with (F/N) back to the house late at night. I could tell that she was in pain but she wanted to act strong in front of me. I kept my eyes on the path in front of me and didn't say anything about tonight.

I noticed that she was covered in blood at her front. This got me curious to what had actually happened. She told me that she got shot in the shoulder blade by some thugs that attacked her. But then she beat them and stole two loaves of bread that would easily last us a few days.

We walked in a comfortable silence all the way back home. One was we made it back so quietly u clicked the door and helped (F/N) get in. I sat her down in the chair and grabbed a cloth. I dipped it in the water that was in the sink and told her to take off her shirt slightly so I could clean the wound.

She blushed slightly before nodding and unbuttoning her shirt enough so that it would slide off of her shoulder. I lightly dabbed the wet cloth on bleeding wound, I felt her tense up as I moved her hair out of the way slightly.

"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" I mumbled. It's not a secret that I'm not good at comforting people in hard times. But I tried my best to tell her that she would be okay.

"I know you are just keep going and don't worry about me" she said quietly. Clearly not wanting to wake Isabel or Farlan up since they cause even more panic than what's already needed. I finished up cleaning the wound and was about to patch it up. Luckily we stole some emergency supply stuff so I used a small bandage and to cover the wound.

"Thank you Levi" she said whilst looking at the ground. She had a small smile on her face but I noticed something on her cheek.

"What's wrong? You haven't been acting like yourself since I found you brat" I asked concerned. My brows furrowed together in confusion of what could've happened when she was out. She wiped her cheek and I saw the fresh tear droplet.

"It's nothing I swear. I'm just being over dramatic don't worry about me" she stood up and slowly walked over to the stairs. I have to know what happened...

"Your not going to sleep until you tell me what happened whilst you were out. You've been fine all day until I found you." I said pushing to get an answer out of her. She sighed and leaned against the wall for support.

"Fine I'll tell you..." she said as she looked me in the eyes. Her usual happy (E/C) orbs were now dull and clouded with tears. Her cheeks were red and puffy from the crying that she had been doing previously. I placed my hand in her cheek and lightly wiped away the tears. She slightly leaned into my touch for which I assume was for comfort.

"Take your time brat. You don't have to rush, you'll only make yourself an emotion wreck tch" I nodded and giggled lightly before wincing in pain. I gave her an concerned look but she just ignored it.

"When I say that I stole the bread I did something horrible. After getting got shot I started running to the location tags I found earlier. I saw an old man getting robbed a couple of days ago so I decided to save him. He was deeply grateful and couldn't thank me enough. I knew that a lot of people were being robbed for their food in that specific area. So I took my chances and went there tonight." I could tell that she was getting upset over what she was about to say so I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the chairs. She sat and and looked into my steel/blue eyes.

"I spotted him laid against the wall with the two pieces of bread by his side. I didn't notice that he was injured I just thought he was fatigue. I drew my blade and started to walk towards him. The thing that shocked me most was that when I was walking towards him he smiled at me. He saw the knife in my hand and yet he still smiled. I didn't intend to kill him at all. When I reached him so realised that he was severely injured in his left side. He looked at me and still kept his smile and then he noticed that I was the one who saved him that day" she had more tears pouring down her cheeks than she did before. I stood up and hugged her lightly to comfort her. She sniffles but hugged back and continued her story.

"I bent down to his level and looked him in the eye. He then turned around in a weak voice and said told me to end his suffering." My eyes widened at the information that she was telling me. He told her to kill him? Did she actually do it? I kept questioning myself but then realised that I was lost in thought.

"What did you do?" I asked. It was clear that's eh was uncomfortable but I had to know what happened.

"I told him that with the blade so besr so will slice his throat open and give him a quick death. I told him he would be missed dearly and I hoped there will be a better life awaiting him in the afterlife. He looked like he was ready to accept his fate and closed his eyes. That's when so slit his throat open and walked away with the bread..." She was sobbing at this point. Her body was shaking as she trembled in my arms. I started to brush my fingers through her hair in hope to calm her down.

After a while she stopped crying and was breathing heavily. Her body was pressed up against mine and had her eyes closed. I sighed and looked at her face.

The way her smooth (S/C) skin shined in the dim lights. The way her shoulders would move every time she breathed in. She was simply beautiful. I leaned in and kissed the top of her forehead.

"I love you brat" I picked her up and took carried her into her and Isabella room. I looked at Isabel and noticed she was sprawled out with drool hanging out of her mouth.

"Disgusting brat" I whispered and scowled at her strange sleeping form. I gently placed (F/N) down on her bed and pulled the light material over her cold body. I noticed she had a hair in her face so I pushed it out of the way and tucked it behind her ear.

I shut the door behind me and went to sleep myself, or at least tried to.

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