Adrenaline Rush

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Author's Note: Hey! I know I've been kinda inactive for a while and that's because of summer school and sports haha. I haven't really gotten the chance to sit down and write or really felt inspired to write? Might just be writers block oh well.

Anyways your quirk in this is basically super speed. However, your speed and agility can exponentially increase with the more adrenaline running through your system. 

P.S. I have no idea if any of this is scientifically accurate but just enjoy it for the sake of the story 


     You smiled as you leapt from one ice tower to another, the wind flowing through your hair. It was days like these that you really got to feel the rush. That ever-so-sweet feeling that filled your body with so much energy you started jittering. You loved it. 

"Is that all you got Todoroki?!" you yelled doing a backflip and successfully dodging a blast of fire. 

He wiped the sweat from his brow and grinned, "You asked for it." 

      You laughed and continued avoiding his assaults with quick precision, enjoying how the match was playing out. It had a been a few months since you two started playing this game. You could still remember when he approached you out of the blue and asked if you wanted to help him train. Obviously you said yes.  

     The rules were simple. Pin down the other opponent as quickly as possible. You could use your quirks anyway you wanted. 

"Hey! I'm over here!" you yelled at the half and half teen. 

     He clenched his fist and shot a barrage of ice your way to which you responded by jumping up into the air. A successful dodge, you thought playfully, He's going to have to try harder than THA-

     A chunk of ice suddenly sprung up and hit you square in the gut, knocking the wind from your lungs. You gasped and fell to the ground, only managing to catch yourself by diving into a hasty tuck and roll. 

"Almost but not yet!" you rasped launching yourself out of the way before he could make another move.

"Are you sure about that?!"

     A wall of ice quickly emerged from the ground in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. Similar barriers also sprang up behind and to the sides of you, and before you knew it, you were trapped in a box. 

You laughed breathily, "You think this will stop me?" 

"We'll see," he replied. 

     You took a deep breath and tried to calm the adrenaline rush flowing through your veins. You needed a clear head if you wanted to get out of here. Think, think, think, you repeated, I can't wall jump since the ice is too slippery. It's also incredibly smooth. That means I probably can't find any good handholds either...

"Give up yet?" you heard him say through the wall. 


You balled your fists in frustration, If only I could melt things like Todoroki! 

     Suddenly, an idea popped into your head. Maybe you couldn't generate fire... but you could generate heat. And my body temperature is already higher than normal because of my quirk!

     Feeling your pulse quicken, you took off and ran in circles inside the small cramped box. The adrenaline was back now, and pushing you to run at even greater speeds. It was almost as if sparks flew from your heels. You suddenly made a sharp turn and buried your fist into the ice. It only left a small imprint, but it was enough to give you hope. 

     You felt your heart rate flutter as you began to gain momentum. Everything was a blur, but that was good. The adrenaline was there. After a good minute of chipping away at the ice with forceful heated blows, it was finally beginning to look transparent. You grinned and pushed onward. You weren't going to stop now. 

     With one final kick to ice, you summoned every ounce of strength inside of you, and shattered it to pieces. 

Todoroki's jaw dropped, "H-How did you-"

     You quickly charged forward and grabbed him by the shoulders catching him off guard. He gasped and stumbled back a bit, allowing you took hook your leg around his and bring him down. The two of you landed with a thud on the ground. 

"I... win..." you sputtered in between breaths. 

     You gazed down into his heterochromatic eyes and he stared back up at yours. If it wasn't for all the adrenaline flowing through your veins you would have been blushing like crazy. 

You gave him a huge smile, "I won... I actually-" 

"I don't think so," he interrupted. 

You scoffed, "What do you mean? I totally have you pinned down right now." 

"Oh really?" he said shooting you a look, "Then why can I do this?!" 

     Grabbing one of your arms, he swiftly brought you down into his chest and rolled so that he was on top of you. You stared at him in dismay. 

"I think I won," he said leaning in closer. 

     You stared up at him wide eyed as you admired the way his hair looked from this angle. Slowly but surely, your heart rate began to spike once more. 

"You know..." you said, not sure if it was the adrenaline talking or not, "You deserve a prize." 

"I do?" he asked confused. 

     You nodded and quickly brought your lips up to his, placing a hand around his neck to bring him closer. At first he hesitated, unsure of what to do, but then slowly wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed back. Butterflies erupted in your stomach as yet another wave of adrenaline began surging through your veins. You began to trace your fingers over his jaw and slowly led them down his neck and to his collarbone. There you stopped, toying with the edge of his shirt below his UA training jacket. He gasped and quickly turned his head away, hiding his blush behind his bangs. 

"I..." he began, "I get what you mean... by an adrenaline rush now..." 

Author's Note: So I wasn't really sure how to approach the scene at the end or this whole one shot in general, but this has been the clearest my mind has been over these past few weeks so I decided, "eh why not write SOMETHING."

I hope it made sense? OH also I've been watching a lot of Haikyuu lately. I think it's pretty good :) 

Stay safe everyone!!! I really really REALLY mean it. <3 

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