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Author's Note: This took waaaaaaaaaay too long to write but I hope you guys like it.

Y/N's POV 

     You sighed as you lightly doodled in your notebook. It was a boring day at UA... as unlikely as that may seem. Maintenance to various gyms prevented you from training, and as a result hero classes were temporarily canceled. 

     At first everyone was happy since it meant they would be getting a break, but as the hours ticked by... everyone slowly spiraled into insanity. One second was stretched into one day and people were ready to fall asleep as Mr. Aizawa drawled on. 

"Kaminari wake up," the pro hero grumbled from the front of the class. 

The yellow haired teen sleepily opened his eyes, "Iwanna lunch andum... the sleep...ahhheeeyyy..." 

Jiro face palmed, "Did anyone comprehend a single thing he just said?" 

     The whole class laughed as you turned your head back down to your paper. Lately you'd developed the habit of drawing your classmates when things got boring and it was surprisingly pretty fun. Capturing their individual personalities in one still image was a challenge, and when Uraraka discovered a few doodles it earned you attention from your peers. 

     You turned your gaze back to the paper again as you finished the most recent drawing of Kaminari. It would definitely be a funny image to share with the class but... you'd stopped showing your sketches because a certain half and half male kept appearing on the pages. 

     A sigh of disappointment escaped your lips. His dual toned hair and his sharp jawline were just so captivating to look at. Not to mention his eyes... or the way his lip would curl up in the faintest smiles whenever something amused him. Or how his shoulders would slightly perk up when Midoriya made him laugh. 

     You sighed and buried your face in your hands. Is this an obsession? Am I being a stalker? Is it creepy I keep drawing him? I mean it in a good way... he's just so cute... 

     You buried your face deeper into your palm as a new surge of feelings welled up inside of you. Who knew drawing someone could lead you to develop a crush. I seriously need to stop- 

"Y/N! You totally need to draw this!" Sero suddenly whisper-shouted to you from across the aisle. 

You yelped from surprise and covered your paper with your arm, "Um... haha yeah! Totally... I will..." 

He gave you an oblivious smile as he caught the faint lines of a sketch peaking out from under your fingers, "Hmm... oh cool! You already did! Can I see?" 

You panicked as he begun to lean over, "UM- WELL- IT'S... JUST I-" 

     Too late. His eyes had already glanced over not just the one drawing, but everything else on the page as well. Embarrassment and shame bubbled up inside of you, and you bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming. 

"Um... Y/N? What's thi-" 

You pulled the notebook away and slammed it shut, "It's... nothing." 

"It doesn't look like nothing." 

     You stayed quiet not quite sure what to say. You could've assumed he was probably thinking so many things right now, and that he was probably going to blurt out his findings to the whole class in a matter of seconds. Your fists balled up in your lap as you braced for your dignity to be crushed. At least lunch was in ten minutes, so if anything did happen you could hide in the bathroom and-

"You know Y/N..." Sero began, "If you had a crush on Todoroki you could have just said so." 

Your jaw dropped as you turned to face him. 

My Hero Academia - Todoroki x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now