Naps and Sleep Talking

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Author's Note: Sorry if this feels a little sloppy and rushed... but I still think it's kinda cute.


"I'm tired," mumbled a monotone voice next to you. 

You sighed, "Me too."

"You guys are always tired," Ojiro retorted with a concerned voice, "Do you even sleep?" 

     Both of you shrugged and stared off into space. To be honest you never knew why you were even drowsy to begin with. Your sleeping schedule was pretty decent, and you followed the same training and diet regimen as everyone else... so why was it that you always felt so drained? 

A yawn escaped your mouth, "Honestly... I could go for a nap right now." 

The half and half male nodded beside you, "I could as well." 

     You closed your eyes and began to sway back and forth. Your class had decided to sit outside for lunch today, and the warm weather was making you feel all fuzzy inside. 

"Y/N, are you okay?" asked Tsu. 

     You nodded, letting your body go with the momentum of your sway, and landed on Todoroki's shoulder. He tensed up, but eventually gave in and placed his head on top of yours. You blushed and sighed in contentment as you let yourself drift off, not noticing the shocked stares some of your classmates were giving you. 

Time Skip


"Y/N? Todoroki? Lunch is over! Wake up please!" said a voice hovering above you. 

     You groaned and rolled over, not realizing that you were burying yourself into Todoroki's chest as he moved so he could wrap his arms around you. 

"Just five more minutes..." you mumbled. 

"They look so cute!"

"Are they dating?" 

"Todoroki is so lucky!" 

"They've been cuddling this whole time..." 

     You felt your face heat up. Even though you were mostly unconscious, you still couldn't help but overhear your classmates comments. Yeah right... you thought skeptically, there's no way Todoroki would ever choose a girl like me to spend time in a relationship with. 

"If you guys don't get up right now we'll be leaving you!" you heard Iida yell. 

     You rolled your eyes and sighed defeatedly. Your body was like jello and your eyelids felt so heavy.

 Shaking off the grogginess, you propped yourself up on your elbow and turned to face Iida, "Fine. Let's just-"

     All of a sudden an arm wrapped around your waist and pulled you down, your head slamming into their chest. You blushed and looked up to meet Todoroki's half-lidded gaze.

"Just... wait a little..." he said before closing his eyes again. 

"A-Alright," you stuttered, before you turned to face Iida once more, "I guess... Todoroki and I will just meet you all back at the classroom? If that's okay..." 

Iida sighed, "Just don't be late." 

     You nodded and gave a crooked smile as he turned around, still a bit flustered at what was happening. You quickly glanced over at Mina and the rest of the girls as they disappeared around the corner. They only stared back with giddy grins. 

My Hero Academia - Todoroki x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now