Aizawa's Secret Love Child - Part 4

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Todoroki's POV 

"What are we doing here Y/N?" Todoroki asked as he watched you lock the door to Mr. Aizawa's office behind you.

You sighed and leaned against the wooden frame, "Nobody can hear what I'm about to tell you." 

     He nodded hesitantly although he was still confused. He thought you would've been more excited then this when he guessed your proper lineage. After all, if you were anything like him, you would've wanted to expose your father for such a cruel upbringing... right?

"It happened when I was young..." you began as you turned your gaze towards the floor.

     Todoroki decided to remain silent. I should probably hear Y/N out...

"My father decided to take my mom and I out to a nice lunch," you said your voice now starting to tremble, "It was supposed to be a nice family bonding experience. We didn't have many of those since... you know... they were both pro heroes." 

Both her parents were pro heroes? That's interesting...

"It was all I'd ever wanted as a kid. Both parents in one place at the same time. Not fighting crime and constantly risking their lives," you paused and took a breath, "But somebody else had other plans..." 

You suddenly turned and met his gaze, a spark of hatred in your eyes, "You know the villain (V/N)?" 

     Todoroki swallowed the lump in his throat and shook his head. He could vaguely remember reading that name when he was a little kid watching the headlines roll by on the news with his mom.

"That son of a-" you paused and clenched your fists, probably attempting to calm yourself down, "He blew up part of the shopping mall we were in, causing me to get separated from my parents. I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. And in the end..." 

Your voice hitched, but he nodded, "Go on Y/N..." 

A single tear rolled down your cheek, "It was my fault." 

     Todoroki's eyes widened as you suddenly collapsed onto the floor into a fit of sobs. He'd never seen you so vulnerable before. You were always so strong and steady, but now... 

He knelt down alongside you and placed a reassuring hand on your back, "Hey... don't cry. It wasn't your fault Y/N." 

Another wave of sobs tore through your body, "If I was stronger I- but he- and I could've-"

Todoroki sighed and pulled you into a hug, your face burying once more into his shirt, "Nobody blames you. You are not the one who should be suffering."  

     Without warning, you wrapped your arms around his neck returning the hug. Your face pressing into his shoulder. Todoroki blushed. He'd never been this close to you, or rather anyone for that matter. 

"I-I'm sorry y-you have to see me... like this, " you sputtered out. 

He shook his head, "Don't apologize. I'm here and it's going to be okay." 

     You nodded and kept your head pressed to his chest, making his heart pound. It was definitely the wrong time to be blushing and flustered mess when you were in such a state like this, but he'd never felt such affection from anyone before. He closed his eyes, trying to regain focus. Midoriya couldn't be right. He didn't like you in that way right? He might but... that wasn't the point right now. Instead of centering on the butterflies in his stomach, he started to count your breaths. At first they were sporadic and shaky, but soon they died down into a steady rhythm. 

When he was confident you'd be okay he turned and stared down at you, "Are you feeling better now?" 

     You nodded and began wiping the tears from your face. However, it wasn't until you'd looked back up that he'd realized how close your faces were. His cheeks began to heat up again and he quickly leaned back, nearly dropping you on the floor as he did. 

"I... just have one question," he said quickly trying to cover it up.

You cleared your throat, "Go ahead." 

"Why hide? Why not let everyone know that the daughter of Aizawa had survived?" 

You frowned a little and stared down at the floor, "Because... my father has other enemies besides V/N. So did my mom. If they new I survived, then my existence would've been a challenge. Why should they stop there? I mean, they have a perfectly good reason for wanting to obliterate the Aizawa bloodline. From then on I had no choice but to go by Y/N L/N, an alias made for me by my father and a handful of trusted pro heroes." 

"Like who?" 

You gave a small smile and held up your hands, "Hey hey I can't just tell you all of my secrets. So why don't you tell me about yourself? I think it's only fair." 

     Todoroki sighed and shook his head, but he did agree. It was only fair that he share now, especially since he basically intruded on such a private part of your life. So he began speaking, and he told you everything. 


     You sat in silence and stared at Todoroki as he concluded his story. While it was depressing, much like yours, it did make so much sense. Now you knew why he wanted to talk to you and stared at you. You knew why he'd been waiting in that hallway. Heck, even the whole confrontation by the bathrooms made so much sense. He was looking for someone like him. He wanted to help me... you thought.

"Y/N? Hello?" he asked all of sudden snapping you out of your thoughts. 

You shook your head, "Yeah?" 

"I'm sorry." 

"For what?"

"For asking about all of this. I shouldn't have forced you to tell me." 

You gave a small smile, "Don't apologize. If anything I'm glad I told you of all people. I've been holding all of this in for a while. All I ask is that you obviously never mention this to anyone." 

To your surprise he returned the gesture and flashed a grin, "I promise I won't and I ask the same of you... plus one more thing." 

You raised an eyebrow, "Which is?" 

"Let's hang out sometime?" 

Your jaw dropped but you quickly regained your composure, "Yeah... I'd like that." 

Author's Note: Holy woah it took a long time to write this. Sorry it's not as long as I usually write but I just felt so bad for not updating for nearly a month. Good news is my schedule should be a lot more open these next few weeks (that is until I join another sport again). Updates will still be slow. I still have homework :( 

Also sorry if Todoroki is OOC.

There will be a Part 5 and maybe 6!!!

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