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Leta Levinski was a lavishly wealthy young woman. A woman who was always busy and remained a tight schedule on a day to day basis. But when feeling as if work and parties and her personal life were slowly breaking her down, she had enough of it all. At the age of twenty-seven, Leta had felt like she was about to have a mid-life crisis and yet she was far too young for one of those already!

Peering at her daily schedule as she held a cup of hot tea in between her hands, she sighed in defeat. She had two meetings today that she had to present for two different committees; the Board of Directors and the Treasurers of the company she worked for. She was the president of an Event planning and coordinating company and she held a lot of weight on her shoulders with this title.

Today's meetings were supposed to boost her ego and the companies more by coordinating different offerings and having beautiful venues that would be new to customers. But she just wasn't ready for it. She wished she had another pair of shoes to fill in for her for the day. She was too tired and exhausted to even begin with how today was supposed to go.

On top of the two meetings, she was also invited to a dinner party from one of her good friends who was a famous golf-player. She hated to turn the invitation down but she also hated being such a yes person all of the time.

Raising her tea to her lips, she took a sip and proceeded across her beautiful penthouse to the window that overlooked the city below. She knew if she got ready to leave now, she'd beat the crazed hustle and bustle of the people.

Grabbing her purse, she went straight over to the full body mirror she had and smoothed out her black pencil skirt. Tucking in her white blouse and fixing the part of her straight blonde hair, Leta gave herself a forced smile in the mirror and headed straight for the front door.

Going down the elevator for once wasn't such a pain. She was used to having to squeeze in with a bunch of people and hope and pray it wouldn't stop for anyone else on the way down, so this put her in better spirits, just a little bit.

Once the bell dinged and the elevator doors opened, she was greeted by the soft light that was pouring in through the grand windows of the building.

"Good Morning, Ms. Levinski." The bellhop said to her sweetly, tipping his hat as he did so. He was a young guy, about the age of twenty-five she guessed, with curly brown hair and a complexion that screamed let's go back to the beachto her. She was quite envious of it actually, for she was a pasty-white. Also known as the city-slicker-tan.

"Good Morning, Hue." She replied, giving a small smile as she continued on. He was always the one to greet her every morning when she left for work, so they had been acquainted to one another on a few occasions.

Walking past the front desk and out the spinning doors, she was greeted instantly by the city sounds. All around her there were the roaring and humming of engines; cars honking, sirens sounding, nothing Leta wasn't already used to. She practically grew up in the city.

Her father worked for The New York times and her mother was a seamstress for one of the finest Shops money could afford. So she had always been used to the busy chaotic life. She knew that if she ever wanted to venture out of the city for a change, she wouldn't know how to react.

"Ah, Ms. Levinski, there you are!" A woman with red haired said, beamingly. This woman happened to be her planner. She kept up with Leta's scheduling and practically made her stay sane.

"Phoebe, how many times must I tell you to just call me Leta?" She asked with a small laugh. Phoebe just rolled her eyes and grinned.

"And how many times must I remind you that that is not professional?" Reaching in for the hug, the two embraced while a black car pulled up to the curb.

"Roadside assistance, always on time." Leta joked with a wink. Phoebe just smiled and opened the door for her. Once the two were in and gave directions to the personal driver, they were off into the midst of the city.

"Your presentation is already set up in the office and ready to go. I already did a test-run through it to be sure everything popped up and could be ready clearly." Phoebe began, going down a list of reminders like she did, every single day. "Oh and your Caramel-Macchiato-Coffee with whip-cream on top is being made right now and should be in your office when we get there." Leta just nodded her head as she stared out at the vast buildings they were passing in order to get to they're destination. The faint sound of Phoebe chattering on and on could be heard in the background as Leta drowned her out with her own thoughts.

She wondered if there would ever be a day where she could just do nothing but stay home all day, relax in bed, be normal for once and watch some television or even some yoga? But she knew that was a stretch. As long as her company kept prospering and her franchise grew, her future was meek with relaxation.

"Oh and the party you are going to is at five-thirty this evening. Would you like me to pick up your dress or did you have something else in mind?" Leta just shook her head, her thoughts still a bit distant.

"Uh, my dress should be fine. Just be sure to grab my Jimmy-Choo heels this time and not my Vera-Wang ones." Phoebe just nodded her head in understanding, blushing a bit at the reminder. One event Leta was going to and ended up showing up late to over the fact that she had a meltdown over the shoes wasn't the best day ever. It had been also Phoebe's first week of working for Leta and ever since then she had been on top of everything she had wanted. That horrid night just happened to be over the very same shoes.

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