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Leta had no idea know what to do. She was once more stuck in her own home with nowhere to go because her insignificant other self was roleplaying out in the world right now.

But wasn't this what she wanted? Someone to fill in her shoes for her so she could relax and have time for herself? Well she sure wasn't enjoying it! Leta though what she had signed up for when getting the AI would be helpful, but instead she was being a total nightmare! And the worst part is, if she told anyone now, they'd think she was crazy! She couldn't go to the police and say "Hi my names Leta Levinski and I have an exact replica of me that running around the city, only she's an evil AI and I need you to help me catch her!" That certainly wouldn't fly whatsoever! They'd probably throw her into a crazy house full of mad people who needed professional help. Leta just needed the Doctors help.

The Doctor, that's it. He'd know what to do. Calling the Doctor, she listened to it ring and ring. When the lady answered, Leta didn't even give her enough time to speak.

"Dr. Nash please! It's an emergency!"

"Please hold while I transfer you." And with that, the phone once more rang and rang and rang, yet no one answered. Sighing in defeat as horrific adrenaline coursed through her, Leta left him a message.

"Hi Dr. Nash, its Leta. Listen I know I was supposed to come in this morning, but everything's just going so wrong. I did what you told me, I took the chip out, I locked her into the battery mat and now she's gone. I don't know what to do and I'm really scared. When you get this message please call me back or come straight over to my place. I don't think I'll ever be able to get her to the institute at this rate. I need you to discharge her here. Please." After hanging up, Leta held the phone to her chest. She hoped her would get that message soon.

Pacing the house, Leta watched the clock as it ticked away slowly. It was finally four-thirty and yet the AI wasn't home. Deciding to get ready for the recital, as she knew she'd have to get there one way or another, whether the AI was running around or not. Five o'clock came and still nothing. Deciding to throw all caution into the wind, Leta left the house for the first time in two days and descended down the elevator.

Once it opened, she saw Hue the bellhop. He looked at her then instantly looked down, not meeting her gaze.

"Hi, Hue. . ." Leta said strangely, trying to figure out why he was acting that way.

"Please, I don't want to cause any more trouble. May I ask you to continue on with your day?" He said in a monotone voice. Leta frowned.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" She asked, worriedly.

"Well after you yelled at me yesterday, then informed my manager of me bothering you, now I'm on probation." He said with a glare.

"What!?" She exclaimed in shock. "No, this is all a big misunderstanding!" She said, reaching out to place her hand on Hue's shoulder to comfort him. He just flinched away from her. "I'm going to fix this, I promise!" She said, vowing to do so as soon as she got back from the recital. Hue just turned away from her and proceeded to try and greet the customers coming and going. Shaking her head in anger, Leta headed for the parking structure in search of her rental. But it was gone.

Where she had parked it the other day was now no longer there. "This is ridiculous." She groaned, hurrying to the main street to try and flag down a cab. Getting the attention of a yellow taxi, Leta told him to take her to the Waverly High School.

On the way there, Leta worried about all of the other things that could have gone wrong within her two-day absence from reality. Once he was stopped in front of the high school, Leta paid him and told him that if he waited there, she'd give him an extra hundred dollars. Rushing to the front doors as she was already ten-minutes late, Leta stopped at the ticket booth.

"How much?" She asked, digging around her pockets for some money.

"Didn't you just pay?" The woman running the ticket booth asked. "And wow you did an outfit switch, nice." She added, causing Leta's eyes to widen.

"I-I did?" She asked, hoping she was hearing this right. The lady shook her head slowly, concerned.

"Yeah. . . unless you've got like a crazy identical twin or short term memory loss. . . I mean but if you want to pay for another ticket, we can just let the next person who comes alone in for free. . ." She offered, causing Leta to back away from the stand. She was here, how did she know to be here? She couldn't be here! And now neither could Leta!

Rushing back out of the high school and back to the cab, she told the driver to take her back home as she cried in the backseat. This couldn't be happening. As much as she wanted to stay and watch her Niece dance, she just couldn't get caught having two of them out there.

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