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Shrugging her shoulders and hoping for the best, Leta decided to go and lay back in the bed. But as she tried to do this, it just didn't feel right. She kept tossing and turning, couldn't get comfortable. So deciding sleeping wasn't for her, she decided to take a long relaxing bubble bath instead. Adding some salts and oils into it, she slipped in and tried to relax.

But baths weren't for her. They never were. When she was younger, one of her best friends in school told her that when you took a bath, you were bathing in your own filth, so that ruined baths for her. Sighing in defeat, she tried to stay in the water just long enough to count as relaxing, but she was too tensed up and her mind was reeling with how everything was going as work. Looking at the time, she decided if she got out, dried and dressed pretty quickly, she'd have enough time to call her job and find out how it was going before the meeting that was scheduled that day. It took a while for her to answer but when she finally did, she was reluctant to hear her voice.

"How's it going?" She asked her, not helping the worry that was evident in her tone.

"Everything's going great! Just getting ready for the big meeting!" She replied back. But this didn't ease Leta's nerves one bit.

"Did you get the que cards from Phoebe? Look those over, that is what you'll be saying to the committee today." She said, biting her lip.

"Checked them over already. Got it all memorized. Listen I've got to go, see you later!" And with that, the AI hung up on her. Taken back a bit by her hanging up on Leta like that, she frowned. After brushing and drying her hair, she looked for her manual that she had gotten from Dr. Nash, but it was nowhere to be seen.

"That's strange. . ." Leta said aloud. She could have sworn she left the manual on the counter when she brought the AI home the other day. Looking everywhere for it, she didn't find a thing. Wondering if maybe she left it in the rental car by accident, Leta gave up looking for it. Deciding to make some lunch for the day, she made a sandwich and had some chips with it. When she went to go and throw her napkin away, she lifted the lid with the little lever at the bottom of the bin and as it lifted, Leta was shocked by the sight before her.

It was the manual. It was completely destroyed. Ripped to shreds, torn into pieces and something red was drawn across the pages too. It looked to be. . . lipstick? Why was this like this? Why would her AI do that? She was already showing some questionable behavior and Leta wasn't liking it. Deciding she needed to call Dr. Nash, she went through her phone and looked for his number.

But he was no longer in her contacts.

"What the hell is going on?" Leta exclaimed out loud, fuming on the inside. How did the AI get into her phone and why would she erase Dr. Nash's number from it? Finding this to be completely fishy, she looked for her notepad that she happened to write his number down on. Once she found and thank god it was still there, she dialed his number. The voice of a lady came through.

"Hi, may I speak with Dr. Nash? It's urgent." She asked.

"Certainly, one moment." And she transferred her call.

"Hello?" His voice rang through.

"Dr. Nash! It's Leta Levinski."

"Oh Leta! So wonderful to hear from you! How are you my dear?" He asked her. Leta shook her head.

"Fine I guess; I was wondering if I could talk to you about my AI." She said, biting her lip in worry.

"Why of course! What can I help you with?"

"Well for starters, mind telling me why my AI shredded her own manual, wakes up on her own even when I didn't set a timer for her and deletes your number from my phone?" She fumed. The other end of the phone was silent, which worried her. "Doctor?"

"Yes, I'm here. Ms. Levinski, I need to tell you something that I probably should have told you before. When working with Cloning and genetics, you're going to get the same looks, but they're personalities evolve around them from what they see, hear or encounter. When working with AI they are just as advanced as any technology in the world. You can give them a mind and data and teach them things, but where they come from themselves exists nowhere besides lying somewhere in between numbers and coding, does this make sense?" He asked her. Leta was astounded.

"So your telling me that my AI, though it has the perception of me, the life and looks, the brain of a sheep and yet it still has a mind of its own based upon its own organism and understanding of living from its own existence?!"

"Yes, precisely." He said back.

"Oh great, that would have been nice to know before I went through with this process, because I probably would have thought about it more!" Leta raged. "I'm scared now. If I have an advanced technology living in my house, progressing before my eyes without me knowing, how am I supposed to feel comfortable sleeping?" She asked, worry wavering in her voice.

"Did you display any sort of mannerism in front of her like such as you described?"

"No! It's only been three days!" She exclaimed.

"Very well then, before you go to bed tonight and when you put her on charge, take her chip out of her. She shouldn't be able to do anything then. Bring her in to me and I'll discharge her." He said simply. Leta sighed.

"Okay, thank you so much Dr. Nash. I'll see you tomorrow then." And with that, she hung up and sat there in wonder. Deciding to just sit around and watch T.V. until the AI got back, Leta tried to keep what the doctor told her. Though it seemed helpful, she still was worried.

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