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Time went by and before she knew it, it was well past seven and the AI still wasn't home. She should have been back a whole two hours ago! And yet, she wasn't. Pacing back and forth and there was nothing she could do, as she couldn't leave the house without anyone seeing her she waited and waited.

It was nine o'clock and that's when she finally came back. Jumping up from her spot in the kitchen, Leta raced to the front door to see her.

"Hi!" The AI said, greeting her with a big smile.

"Where have you been? You were supposed to be home hours ago!" She fumed, watching the AI come in with multiple shopping bags on her arms. "Wait, you went shopping?" She questioned, as it set them all down on the coffee table. "Why?"

"Well for starters, I don't like what you have in your closet." It responded back.

"What?!" Completely caught off guard by her response, she shook her head and went over to see what she had gotten. There was dress after dress and heel after heel that she had come across, and they were all things she definitely wouldn't wear! "We have to take this stuff back; we're not keeping it." Leta said, looking at the AI seriously.

"No returns. Besides, I didn't keep any of the receipts." She said back casually. Leta's eyes widened in horror.

"What!? Why not!"

"Because I like the stuff and am going to wear it." She argued back, a hint of attitude in her voice. This is not what Leta signed up for. Here she was arguing with herself over clothes and shoes!

"Well how much did you spend?" She asked her, kicking over one of the bags in irritation.

"Not too much." She answered.

"Well how much is not too much to you?" She questioned. The AI shrugged her shoulders.

"Only like five-thousand dollars." She said simply. Leta freaked!

"You spent five-thousand dollars of mine on stuff for you!? Five-thousand dollars?!"

Yes, five-thousand. That's what I said." The AI said. Leta was irritated beyond belief. Deciding she'd deal with it all later, as after she took her back tomorrow, she'd find a way to return everything.

"Well how did the meeting go today? And the conference call?" She asked her.

"They went fine."


"That's all. Nothing significant happened." She said simply. Leta could have sworn she saw her roll her eyes, which she was completely flustered over.

"Unbelievable. Well you know what, I'm tired and I bet you are too, its bed time." She said, grabbing the AI's hand and dragging her over to her mat. Once she was on it and completely shut off, Leta reached to the back of her neck and pulled out the chip. Storing the chip in a cookie jar in the kitchen, she walked back over to the charging mat and crouched down in front of it. She wondered if she messed with the settings, would it lock her into sleep mode until she turned it off in the morning.

Once she found out how, she set a passcode for it and headed straight for bed. There was no way she could wake up without the passcode or her chip. No way. Feeling like she could sleep a bit easier now with her locked in and shut off, Leta closed her eyes and anticipated tomorrow morning.

Waking up to the sound of her phone ringing, she answered it groggily.

"Hello?" She said, yawning right after.

"Leta! Its Rachel. I know it's been forever since we last talked and I know you're a busy woman, but Lilly would really love it if Aunt Leta could make it to her recital tonight?" Sitting up now, Leta was completely Intrigued.

"Oh my god Rachel, hi! I'd absolutely love to! What time is it at?" She asked. Her and Rachel went way back. They were best friends in middle school and high school, and then when they both graduated, Rachel got pregnant and Leta got promoted, which made their relationship further away from one another. But they still tried to meet from time to time to have lunch and catch up when they could. Which was nice.

"Oh great! I can't wait to tell her; she'll be so happy! She's been asking about you all week but I just feel so terrible bothering you because I know you work so much." She said, making Leta wince.

"No, no. It's not your fault, its mine. No reason I can't just text or call you out of the blue, which I promise to do now." She said truthfully. Besides, after getting rid of the AI, Leta knew she'd need some real social interaction.

"Aww, well good! We have so much catching up to do. So the recital is today at five-thirty and it's at the Waverly High School. You know where that's at?" She asked her, making Leta laugh.

"Of course! That's where our Prom was back in 2004! Oh my gosh, that was such a fun night." Leta said, smiling at the memory.

"Oh my god you remember! Makes me miss you even more. Listen, I've got to go, I'll see you tonight!"

"Okay, see you then! Bye!" And with that, she hung up. Rubbing the remaining sleep from her eyes, Leta looked at the clock and saw that it was eight-thirty in the morning. Deciding to get up so she could get the AI back to the institute before she had to go in to work, she got ready, grabbed some stuff for the AI to put on to disguise for on the way out and left her bedroom. Once out of her bedroom, she was once more shocked to see that the charging mat was empty.

"No, no, no this cannot be happening!" Leta exclaimed, looking around the house. "Leta? Where are you!" She called out, but she was nowhere to be found. "Where can she be?" Looking around for her purse, it was gone. Running into the kitchen and looking in the cookie jar for the Chip, she also realized that was gone too. "Oh my god, what am I going to do?! How did she know where to even find this!?" She asked herself out loud. Let alone how did the AI itself get off of her battery port if she was locked into it last night?

Leta had so many questions with no answers.

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