Chapter 19

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Kalen doesn't arrive at the office until eleven-thirty. He was still in his pajamas and there were deep bags under his eyes. He slumps down in his chair, rubbing his hands along his face.

"Where's Harper?" Rue asks, looking up from his paperwork.

"He's not working today."

"Thank Goddess!" Rue breathes out. His eyes widening once he realizes what he said. "I'm sorry, I-,"

"No, it's alright. Harper can be a little difficult to handle sometimes. I can tell him to back off," Kalen chuckles, reaching into his snack drawer, pulling out a bag of M&Ms.

"Is Harper not feeling good today?" I ask, turning fully in my chair so I could properly face Kalen.

"We completed our mating with Toby."

"You what?"

"We mated. But I can't help but feel terrible about it though. Harper stayed with Toby to take care of him. They were both asleep when I left and will probably be asleep for a while. Toby couldn't even move his legs without crying this morning so I gave him some Melatonin in hopes that he would go to sleep faster. I can't imagine how much pain he's in. I was too rough with him. Goddess, he wasn't even ready for our mating. He probably hates me."

"Who initiated the mating?" Rue asks.

"Well, Toby did, but,"

"Then he was ready. No one but Toby knows if he is ready. And besides, I'm sure he doesn't hate you because he's in pain. Your bond with him is stronger than that."

Kalen sighs, shaking out a handful of M&Ms and funneling them into his mouth. He leans back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling.

"I just... I can't help but feel guilty. I always feel guilty. But you're right. Toby initiated it and if he feels good about it, then I'll force myself not to feel so much guilt about the situation."

I stand, making my way over to my brother. I place a stack of paperwork on his desk. I pat his shoulder gently, smiling at him. He sends a weak one back, his gaze sliding over to Rue.

"When are you guys gonna mate?" Kalen asks. Rue chokes, coughing and sputtering as he stares incredulously at Kalen.

"Never, if I want to keep my last shred of dignity," Rue responds after he catches his breath, sliding his hands over his stomach.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," Now it was my turn to sigh. "We will mate when we are ready to. There's no rush when we have the promise of eternity."

A comfortable silence fills the room as we get back to work. Rue slides onto my lap, settling against my chest. I speak in a hushed whisper, explaining to him the ins and outs of his work for the day.

Earlier today, I had asked my dad to guide Rue in how to be a Luna. He agreed to coach Rue, knowing that Harper could be a little too overbearing. I love Harper, he's my little brother-in-law. But I see how he is once he flips on his Luna switch.

Rue inhales sharply as I press a kiss to the slightly exposed skin of his shoulder.

"I love you, baby," I murmur, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck.

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